Loss of interest in bottle/formula at 8 months...

My daughter, who will be 8 months in a week and a half, has really lost interest in formula and bottles over the last few weeks.

Ever since she started eating table food with us, she would much rather eat real food than have a bottle. She had been drinking 8 ounces every 4 hours, but even when I just give her the bottle and no food, she still only finishes about 6 ounces and its a huge struggle to get her past 5. She just pushes it away or wants to play with it. With this being said, she's only eating a max of about 24oz of formula a day. She's been on Enfamil Gentlease since she was 2 months old.

I'm going to consult with her pediatrician this coming week about the concerns in nutrition and such, but I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this? If so, was any action taken and was it successful? Is it time to try introducing cow's milk, or try supplementing with PediaSure or something like that?? I have a 5 year old and I don't ever recall him being more interested in food vs. formula until about a year.

Thanks ladies! :D


  • Have you tried it in a sippy cup instead of a bottle? Both my sister and I hit a wall around 6-8 months where we wouldn't drink from a bottle but loved our cups!
  • I've only given water in the sippy, but I'm going to try the sippy today! Thanks @natashalynn for the response!
  • My son just turn 6 months and also lost interest in bottle/formula. He plays with it even in his sippy cup. He prefers baby food, juice, water but not formula. I just feed him moreoften and try to give him a bottle but if he doesnt drink it i put it in his cereal
  • @jay_july1 I will start making her oatmeal with the formula again, good idea. The feeding more often thing doesn't work, I try feeding her every three hours as opposed to four and she's not having it LOL. Even her daycare teacher pointed out her lack of interest. She just likes food, and I can't say that I blame her haha.
  • You could always switch her to a sippy while she is uninterested in a bottle? She probably doesn't need 8oz anymore. I work in an infant room. We have no babies drinking more then 6oz even the ones not eating alot of baby food.
  • My situation is a lil diff cuz my baby is only 2 months but for the past wk or wk an half she only takes half her bottles to an will not budge on taking anymore idk y she's doin it I'm asking the pediatrician also
  • @babyluv8 yeah I could certainly try the 6 ounces, cuz its about what she takes anyways. She's actually eating as we speak but she's taking the bottle very serious this time LOL.

    @mrz_jackson2anpreggo my daughter went thru little phases like that until 4 months. I think she was trying to establish a schedule or something.
  • O really so glad to know its normal ! I didn't no y she was doin it thanx !
  • My little brother was the same way my mom said when she asked his doctor she said that after you interduse them to baby food he won't like the formula any more
  • edited January 2012
    @mrz_jackson2anpreggo that was my personal experience, hopefully that's all that's up with your LO.

    @angelmonkeymelody it makes sense, anything must be better than formula LOL
  • Yeah I have a family who made a big stink about their son not having enough bottles during the day. I told her that he has been eating much more baby food. So we offer him bottles every couple hrs. He well only drink 2-4oz but if we wait longer between he pounds them lol. Hes 10.5 months and they made the big stink over a month ago. It's frustrating because for us he'd rather eat food!
  • 24oz of formula is fine in a day.
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