2 month old has been fighting sleep during the day

edited January 2012 in Sleep
He went to bed last night at 10 woke up at 330
Ate 6oz went back to sleep
Woke up at 830ish Ate 6oz
Played until about lunch time and I made 6oz bottle but he only ate about 3oz and fell asleep for about 30min
Woke up and ate the other 3oz
Played somemore
He started getting sleepy so I rocked him to sleep he slept for about 15mins in my arms
He woke and I fixed him 6oz but he only ate half. Ate the other half about 30mins. So on...
Its literally been eat, play, fuss,and sleep and he is sleeping on 15to30 min interval a hour sometimes.
He won't sleep inless someone is holding him or he is right by your side. Which makes it difficult to get things done. My question is. Should I be concerned about his sleeping patterns???. Is his sleeping pattern at night normal for his age? How do I get him to nap alone???


  • My lo went through the same thing! She's 12 weeks tomorrow and she actually took a nap today, i have literally been going crazy because she did the same thing your sone is doing for 3 weeks. I'm hoping she starts napping and it wasnt just a one day thing, i didnt know what to do with myself for the 2 hours she was asleep lol
  • I'm going through the same thing. My ex has kids from previous relationship and they were here for a week and held him 24/7. Now he won't sleep unless were holding him, its sooo frustrating.
  • edited January 2012
    @kimberly4411 @jamieeex I wouldn't be able to get things done if it wasn't for my hubby and family. If I lay him down he is up within 10mins of being laydown. I love his sleep schedule at night but the daytime wears me slap out
  • Mine is (hopefully was) the exact same way, i would just hold her and cry, i got so tired of not doing anything that when hubby took her for a bit last week i worked on the yard and fence lol
    it'll pass, if you get frustrated make sure he's fed, changed, and comortable, set him in his crib and leave the room, i know its hard to hear him cry, but you need to relax so that he can relax too
  • My daughter is 7 weeks and has been doing this for about a week. I was gonna ask the same thing. She takes a good nap in the morning but all evening she just cat naps for like 10-15 minutes...eats fusses then cat nap over and over again. And she doesn't sleep for long at all if I lay her down.
  • @stephforever89 me too :( my lo is 5 months and its been like this the whole time. She sleeps through the night but will only take 10-15 minute naps in the daytime. She will only take longer naps if someone holds her which is SO frustrating
  • My 15 week old was and still is the same. She sleeps 10 pm to 3am. Eats 4oz then goes back to sleep till about 8. Then won't nap all day unless being held or if she isn't being held its 15 min naps if I'm lucky. I try not to make it a habit of holding her all the time because I will never get anything done. And I do ofcoarse always her fed, changed and clean. So I know shes perfectly fine.
  • It can be very frustrating. My oldest always took good naps when she was young
  • ayva is 4months and naps 2 times during the day usually for about an hr tops. and yes its frustrating. make ur little one more independent. ayva will play by herself for over an hr straight
  • Maybe just a growth spurt? I would kill for that sleep a night though! My lo feeds every two hours 24-7 pretty tiring! He had a growth spurt last week and wouldn't feed properly but wanted food every half hour and fussy!
  • @Kimberly4411 I've been trying to let him cry some but I live with my dad and brother. Every time Isaiah cries my dad or brother picks him up: / . I get one day week to relax because my hubby works 12hr shifts everyday except Sunday. My dad helps out when it comes to cleaning or making a bottle. But that's about it he will hold Isaiah until I'm done.he doesn't feel confortable just yet watching him for long periods of time. I make sure I get either a shower or bath when hubby gets home so I can unwind and gather myself back together.
    @redhead25 maybe things will get better :)

    @akmommy I'm hoping my lo finds a good sleepy schedule he has two right now. One is were he goes to bed at 10 the other is at 12 when he goes to bed at 12 he sleeps more during the day

    @duckbydawn our babies have almost the same sleep schedule.

    @jazzi89 he will play in his bouncer for hours and same for his jungle gym. Then I believe he gets bored and wants me to play with him lol

    @three_cats_n_a_baby that's sucks I hope ur lo finds a sleep schedule. I guess what I'm saying it want my arms free during the day for at least hour I would be happy :) lol
  • My little one is 9 weeks today and has been like this in the past week or so, although it seems to have settled down now! (*)
  • It might be easier if you keep him on a feeding schedule. It sounds like he is snacking and if he wont sleep unless you hold him let him stay away. Once he gets sleepy enough and shows you he's tired you can lay him down and he will sleep and sleep longer. Some times their schedules can be off but if you stick to specific times throughout the day it could help.

    My LO has been sleeping 9-10 straight hours at night since 2 1/2 months. I get her up every day at 9 am to eat and feed her every 2 1/2 hours. She sleeps however long between feedings usually 40 mins to an hour. Its also nice because when we go out I know when she's gonna be hungry and if someone watches her I can tell them when she'll need a bottle.

    Good luck!
  • So as i'm sitting here not able to sleep, abd reading the 2 threads about vaccines. Do you think thats what has caused it? I dont remember when she started not sleeping(i have a really bad memory) but i'm hoping it wasn't the shots :/
  • @misspregger6989 I've been trying to to get him on a feeding schedule. This past week. We have came along way. He was snacking bad. As soon as we started working on the snacking he started going to bed earlier which made me happy. I also think I got a case of spoiled baby syndrome lol.
    @kimberly4411 I don't think so.
    @2ndbutfirst I try not too but its kinda hard when he refuse to nap inless someone is right by his side lol. He also let's me know when he is done playing he let's a shreak out lol. So I pick him up change feed and either sing,rock,walk him to sleeep. When I think he is out I lay him down and anywhere from 10min to hour tops he wakes up. a hour nap is rare .
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