prayers please....
So I'm only 6 weeks along... It took us over 2 years to get preggo... And the last 3 days I've been spotting. So we went to the ER and they did blood work, my hcg levels are on the lower end of 'normal' for being 6 weeks. They also did an ultrasound to check things out. Cervix is still closed Thank God. The tech saw a very faint flicker of a heart beat so things are okay so far... But the doc said I've got a 50/50 chance of a 'threatened miscarriage' or a 'spontaneous abortion' (talk about words that're sure to send me into a panic). I got put on bed rest until Tuesday when the doc is open. And wow... For a lazy person, I get up and move a lot more than I thought I did. On top of it all, I have a bad upper respiratory infection so i can't rest like I need to. The doc gave me cough syrup with codine in it to help me breath and sleep... Please please please pray with us that this baby sticks in there and we don't lose it... I'm not a fan of this 50/50 thing. trying very hard to NOT lose my mind with fear.
@itlnckl thank you... I'm resting as much as I can stand... I get up and start doing things without even realizing it.
so i hope two simular stories give u hope because there is hope
o and btw i had just had a miscarriage eight weeks prior to the bleeding
Thank you for your prayers ladies. @skysma I'm very sorry to hear of the miscarriage and very happy the next one made it.
and bleeding doesnt always mean ur going to lose the baby if i had a dime for every doctor i saw tell me i needed a d&c i would be rich lol
well atleast it felt that way.
there is hope take a couple steps back and breath run ur self a warm bath drink some tea have hubby rub ur back read a book as hard ad it is u just need to calm down and relax its way better on you and baby please tag me and keep me updated i know exactly how you feel ive been in the same boat i will say a prayer for you guys
and the heartbeat is alot of hope
Thank you ladies for the reassurance... It helps a ton!