My lo is 7 weeks old and ast two days has been having liquid stool... today he has been crying for 5 hrs... he will calm down to eat but tgays it. He also has a axilary temp of 98.4 so technically its 99.4. Should I be worried? Call the doc????
you shoukdnt call the doc for a temp till its 102. my son is almost 4 and they dont dsay anything till he is 102 or above. how old is he what are you feeding him? did you call the doc and just ask.
Stomach bug ? My newborn jus got over one she had slight fever one day then the next 2 she had liquid stools an jus screamed all the time it past after 2 days .
He is bf and occasional formula at night. No i havent called, i wasnt sure if they could even do anything for him. He curls up like he has cramps. I gave him colic calm and gas drops. He wont let me put him down.
Yeah, under one year, always call the Dr for a fever of 100+... And being only 7 weeks, I would probably call anyway... That's just me though. I hope LO feels better!