this might sound stupid but.....

I am trying to pack my bag and the diaper bag because I'm almost 35 weeks and I think its a good time. The thing is my diaper bag is packed full because I think I added too much stuff lol. How much stuff do you need for a newborn? Like how many diapers, receiving blankets, burp cloths, extra clothes, socks, etc do you need? Also I have no clue how big shell be so do I put both newborn and 0-3 mo clothing in there or just newborn and have somebody get the other if she's to big? I feel like I'm going crazy and should already know this.


  • The hospital will provide everything for the baby. Just take a set of clothes to being her hone in. My daughter wore newborn until she was 10 pounds or so (2 months) so I'd just take newborn. In my diaper now I keep 1 light blanket, 1 burp cloth, 2 bibs, an extra Paci, 5 diapers, 1 extra pair of socks, 1 extra outfit,
  • Yeah the hospital will give you diapers while your there, if you don't take outfits for her they have stuff plain stuff for them, just take an outfit or two one to bring her home in aims an extra just in case. If your nursing take nursing pads bras etc extra shirt for you. Nut really just enough to get you through the stay and on the way home!!!
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