@steph_due_101611 like during pregnancy? or just in general? idk idk i guess i will just have to wait and see. the only problem is that im cramping more then usual 1
I still say you should A)either go to the ER and let them take blood and ultrasound or call your ob. You really need blood work and maybe an ultrasound done!!!!! That positive pregnancy test is something. Like I said in a message to you before I think you need to get checked out so things don't get messed up more and then you can't possibly have any more. You really need to do something asap hun! My phone was on the charger so I didn't see your discussion. I personally would go to er and be checked out. Tell them you had a positive test and now your bleeding and you Want answers!
I think.... Your body needs time to adjust and relax. Leave your vagina alone. :P Just sit back, and let it do whatever its doing. I really don't think that small amount of blood needs an ER visit. The more you stress about these things, the more problems you're gonna have. My guess? Implantation bleeding. Harmless and is a good sign. Even with the cramping.
My hubby and I were trying (with this baby) and I got what I thought was my period......was pissed! Randomly tested 3 weeks after my period and got a negative. The next week I was soooooo tired I decided to test again because I was so tired all the time and I felt that way with my 1st. It came back positive! Had an ultrasound two days later and was 9 weeks pregnant. They figure what I thought was my period was implantation bleeding, but just heavier so I thought it was my period. Moral of the story is that implantion bleeding can be heavier....don't give up hope!
This info i have is from Conception, pregnancy, and birth by Dr. Miriam Stoppard. Its word for word:
" unexpected result: Sometimes you may have a positive first test but a negative second test, followed by your period starting a few days later. Don't worry. Half of all conceptions dont become established pregnancies, since the fertilized egg fails to implant in the lining of the uterus and there's a natural termination. Your first test may have been positive because it was done before the fertilized egg was lost. To avoid this error do the test around the time of your first missed period. If there's a weak but positive result, repeat the test a few days later with a fresh sample."
I had pos & negs last yr. a couple days later 2/3 more pos & a blood test like 2 wks later was neg. I hate this crap! Especially when hubby is leaving. Just try to relax & see if your body is ready... Like fate said, leave your vagina alone! Hahaha (ps I have no clue what to check & how to check it). But I'd go get a blood test if you can't stop wondering. That will tell u if it's a chemical or whatever the heck is going on!! And of course we all hope & pray this is just weirdness that will end with a bfp! Lol
@kyliemommy wow! thats crazy. was it enough to like wear a tampon? or pad? and how long did it last? was it red blood? did it seem like just a light period?
I was about 4 weeks pregnant when I had something similar happen. Although, I had blood tests don't prior to the incident and knew for sure I was pregnant, but I sat down to per and had a huge gush of blood come out and figured I was miscarrying, even my doc just basically said I was losing the baby. After that, I had spotting for 18 weeks. Don't know what was going on to this day, but I've got a healthy 8 month old who won't let me leave her side LOL. I hope its just something like that!!
ok so ive had a tampon in for aout 4 hours. i just took it our and the tip...was brownish blood and the middle was pink/red and the bottom next to the string was white . i only bled half...@fate@kyliesmommy ???? @thetrondsons1st@kristaf22@cupcake22
@lilsugarsmomma wow! thats crazy with my daughter i bled horribly from 8weeks to 16 weeks. so blood and pregnancy scare the shit out of me now, we all know hiw that ended
I had the EXACT same thing happen. I had a huge gush of blood {enough for a pad} when I was pregnant with my first. I had a faint bfp then a negative 3 days later, thought I miscarried. Went to er cause I didnt know what to think (rather be safe then sorry) & I was 5weeks pregnant. No explanation of why I had negative or gush of blood but I have a beautiful, healthy little girl now. I would wait to wear any tamoons till you know 100 percent, your not pregnant. It could just cause more bleeding, irritation, & unnessacery problems & i would definantly go to the er or dr asap just to know for sure & it will also help put ur mind at ease.
@babynumber3ontheway the blood im having/had all together wouldnt even fill up a panty liner. only reason i changed the tampon was bc i had to pp. lol and i dont have any pads i hate them but if the bleeding gets heavier tomrrow ill assume period but if it stops then ill probably go to the doc satrday. my hubby dploys friday and i dont wanna spending hours at the er when he has all day off tomorrow.
I read this whole thread & I'm still baffled by the incidents! You did have a positive pregnancy test, so I figure miscarriage or even implantation is possible as others have mentioned. Implantation can be kinda heavy, mine with Alex was like a light period I had no idea it wasn't af lol. Implantation is usually pink/brown, or blood tinged discharge. Unfortunately I do not know much of miscarriage, or chemical pregnancies. I hope that it is neither for you though! I still think you should go talk to your ob, opt for some tests, but if you want to wait it out for the weekend I can understand. If this isn't your month, then August better come quickly because we all want more Hensley babies!
" unexpected result: Sometimes you may have a positive first test but a negative second test, followed by your period starting a few days later. Don't worry. Half of all conceptions dont become established pregnancies, since the fertilized egg fails to implant in the lining of the uterus and there's a natural termination. Your first test may have been positive because it was done before the fertilized egg was lost. To avoid this error do the test around the time of your first missed period. If there's a weak but positive result, repeat the test a few days later with a fresh sample."
i hope this helps hun.