Heading to the ER tonight

edited January 2012 in Health
My ovaries hurt badly they feel like they're getting pulled in all types of direction :-(( I've been like this since yesterday but didn't get bad to unbearable till I went to bed. Today I have been in pain all day don't have a way to get there till hubby gets out of work at 11 so it will be kinda late but it better then not going at all. Hope it's nothing bad


  • Hope everything is ok. Will be praying for you. Update when you feel up to it
  • @Mommy04 @Mom2ING
    Thanks ladies. Friends told me it could be cyst from some meds I was taking since I'm ttc and they had it happen to them :( I hope it's not but idk what else it could be
  • Thinking of you.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Hope everything Is okay
  • @momofsoontobe7
    Thanks babe
    Thank you xoxo
    Really?! I never felt a pain like this it kinda weird like the car ride to the hospital killed me cause of all the crappy roads :( I just don't wanna feel anymore pain
    Thanks I'm waitin for the dr to come in and see me
  • Hope things r okay :) what did the Dr say??
  • @MrsThompson34
    He said It could be double cyst but doesn't know for sure and can't do a US cause they don't have a tech on call tonight. Gave me morphine for the pain and on cloud 9 right now but feeling sick
  • Awe, I hope its not cysts u have. Hope u feel better. U should try & get some rest.
  • @MrsThompson34
    Thanks they're sending me home now and I am excited I feel so sick to my stomach from the pain meds hope I don't get car sick
  • @Tawanna thanks BFF I actually got car sick from the meds and they trying to drug me even more they gave me percocets for my home pain management! Shit they could've just given me Tylenol
  • Glad they gave you something for the pain. Morphine always makes me sick. If you ever have to go through something again that requires pain med, tell them so they can give you something to counteract it.
  • :( Hope you're doing ok.
  • @mommy04
    They said the iv fluid should help with that. It wasn't on morphine they gave me it was toridol also which topped it off for me on the sickness! I literally threw up cause of it ! Got so beyond car sick on the way home scared I was gonna throw up in the car so I held it back got into my house ran. To the bathroom made it to the toilet *dont laugh* I threw up and peed myself lol I had to pee badly from the iv fluids Hubby laughed at me I felt so sad I never peed myself but I told him I have an excuse I'm drugged and didn't know which to do first and my body thought it was ok to do both together
    Thanks babe I feel a little better since I got home haven't gotten ounof bed kinda scared to. But I have to go pick up my RX before Jimmy leave to work at 1:30
  • edited January 2012
    >:D< :X
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