anybody have/had a britax b ready stroller ?

Gonna get one in a few wks an turn it into a double has anyone had one are they small/lightweight? Are they worth the buy? Any opinions please ?


  • I think the one I have is called britax b agile and the b safe seat. I love it way better then my combi I had with my son. Its so easy to put away n fold and it turns really good. Even the doctor commented on how well it moves when she pushed it in the check up room lol
  • @myHEARTZx3 I jus bought one I got the stroller the carseat adapter an the second seat brand new for 309!!!
  • I dunno how different they are but I have a britax b smart 4 with carseat that fits onto the frame and i must admit it is the easiest pushchair i have ever had and ive had a few (changed every few months with my first daughter) lol it folds down small, is easy to put up, like i clip of a button and its up and it pushes sooooooo easy and the best thing is there is no adapters to lose for the carseat or the seat that fits onto the frame :) i definatly recommend britax :)
  • @myHEARTZx3 @tinkabella ok so I put it together an my carseat doesn't fit it an the frame is absolutely huge I can't unfold it by myself so its goin bak the the store tomorrow :( I liked it it pushed very easily tho wishd it wulda workd out :(
  • ohhh no thats not good, how come the carseat wouldnt fit? here in the UK the 2011 version of the britax b smart is smaller and more light weight than the version from the year before i love mine especially the colour as it is purple :) sorry to hear it didnt work out for you, hope you fine another soon :)
  • @tinkabella I guess cuz its a graco :( do u no of any small lightweight double stroller I can't find any thing
  • aww so its not compatible with ur seat :( the seat LOl jk
  • @myHEARTZx3 I actually thought bout that ! But the stroller so big I can't evn mess wit it by myself its huge !
  • edited January 2012
    Ohh I see its a double stroller...sorry I have no idea. I had a sit n stand when my kids were younger and nobody wanted to stand in the back lol.
  • @myHEARTZx3 Haha thats funny thats the same reason I haven't bought one cuz I was sure looking at them !
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