lack of sleep

edited January 2012 in Military moms
I hate it!!! Since hubby left I don't sleep till two in the morning and then am up by four or five to talk to him. I wish I could go to bed earlier, but its just insomnia from hell. Ugh I hate it and nothing helps. I even try hot showers and warm drinks or soups. :-( My whole body is always exhausted and my brain but it still doesn't come. UGH!


  • That makes 2 of us and I go back to work next mth...even if my lo is sleeping I'm still up...I don't remember the last time I slept through the night:(
  • Lol it sucks, right?? That's all I wish for but I know that being due in a month its not really realistic. I hope your able to get to sleep soon:-) . Maybe work will tire you out enough.
  • Im a mommy of a two yr old and 1 week old...i forgot what sleep is lol
  • edited January 2012
    Thank you, I hope you're able to get some sleep too...but here I am awake again and my lo is asleep...ugh!
  • Lol its crazy on making you insane haha. But I guess we have to be insane to go with the craziness of toddlers. @mollysmama

    Thank you :-) . I crashed last night finally, but slept later by accident so I missed texting my husband. So yay for a bit more of sleep, nay for missing him. @JuliansMommy
  • @newmommyFeb2012 i woke up froman hour of sleep by being spit up on. Then got peed on by both of them all in a matter of ten minutes lol
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