A tip for sleeping through the night!

edited January 2012 in Sleep
Well my son has had his nights where he sleeps through the night. Then there's nights where he wakes up every couple of hours. Well I always had a lamp on so there would be some kind of light on. Well I decided I want it off. The first night he slept 10 til 10. The second 10 til 8 and that's cause I had to wake him up. The rest has been the same. He sleeps perfect through the night. Lol so lights off pitch dark is what he likes :)


  • Oh wow I need to try that. I always have a lamp on in our room. I'm so doing this tonight, I go back to work next mth so I need my sleep:) I was just always so scared of not being able to look at him at night. But I need to get over that. Thx for the tip.
  • Bella is the same, she started sleeping through when we stopped having the lamp on! She's now 16 weeks and luckily we realised at 7 weeks :-D
  • Yup its true... I made my bf get us black curtains before the baby got here to block out the light lol
  • Nyla never likes the TV or light on at bedtime so I have to go to bed with her lol.

    @juliansmommy lol thats how nylas been sleeping all them hrs haha all I have on is the projector on at night on the ceiling n thas how Nyla likes it just in case she,wakes up in the middle of the night she looks up n see cartoon characters lol
  • I don't think its good for a baby to sleep in pitch dark jmo though. But if it works what can I say :) Alana sleeps through the night and we have the tv on all the time she sleeps like an Angel 8 hours every night :)
  • @juliansmommy my lo at the hospital would scream at the light being off then the same at home. But I had to try it again and it worked. I was nervous also because I wouldn't be able to sleep as good. But javi snores so I hear him lol hopefully julian lets mommy sleep :)

    @lyndsay1983 yay to sleeping through the night ;)

    @myHEARTZx3 lol my hubby always told me to turn it off but I never listen to him and that's cause he's usually right. Well most of the time lol

    @MrsThompson34 your lucky lol :)

    @MommyLovesSparkle lol why do you think that? Do you have the sound off? Just in case he wakes up in the middle of the night I have the remote next to me lol
  • My son is scared of the dark I know silly to believe
  • She sleeps with a computer light when shes with my hubby and tv with me. But she still stays asleep when we turn lights and tv off.
  • @roxy I believe lol my son used to be like that. Lol he's now over it :)
  • I'll let u know how he does:) he sleeps pretty good through the night its just getting him to go to sleep at bedtime. So hopefully he knocks out earlier tonight.lol
  • @2ndbutfirst update when you do :)

    @Juliansmommy lately his last feeding will be at 9ish then 10 he's completely knocked out lol update with Julian. :)
  • I sleep with the TV on, only because I want to be able to see him...maybe I should try with it off.
  • I sleep with the lights off and darkening curtains but I have my phone and a little battery operated nightlight that I turn on to see him if I need to
  • I wish that would have worked but no my daughters like looking around in the dark.
  • @ExcitedForOctober I sleep with the remote beside me so I can flick my tv on anytime. Or my phone lol you should try it with Zori :)

    @junebuggbabie85 does he sleep through the night?
  • @Proudmomma lol that's funny. They just lay and look around?
  • @TxMommy93011 its a cultural thing, we believe like if you sleep in pitch dark bad things will come by the baby. I believe it though kuz when I was pregnant my boyfriend and I would sleep in the pitch dark with very little moon light kuz we have black curtains. One night I was tossing and turning all night & I felt someone staring at me so I opened my eyes and I seen a man with all black and a hood. I seen him walk to one side of the room to the other it was weird so I freaked out and woke up my bf I was speechless. I didn't say anything I just pointed and he looked and seen it too (he said it was pointing at us) and got up and put the light on and it was gone. We didn't go to bed since morning that day lol but yeah I turn the sound off.
  • Yea or sit up. My youngest will sit there in the dark. It's sorta creepy lol
  • @MommyToSparkle omg scary. When we first brought my son home I would have niightmares. One time I honestly felt someone pulling me off the bed. I swear up and down I was screaming and kicking and my husband says he never heard me. Good thing my son would sleep in his bassinet.
  • @txmommy93011 when he isn't having reflux issues he will usually sleep from 8-11 eat then from midnight to 430 eat then I have to wage him at.630 to eat and get ready so I can go to work last night slept from like 130 to 630 when I had to get him up
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  • Omg i just started the same thing and it makes a difference.
  • I am the same way with my man lol

    I know it works because I sleep with those eye covers...when I use it I sleep longer. Haha

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