explosive diarrhea - very graphic and kinda long..pleeeease help :'(

edited January 2012 in Third Trimester
Ok so yesterday I was craving everything under the sun..I craved icecream, fish, veggies, ranch dressing for dinner..

Had a snickers, Orange, some cookies for lunch :/

And for breakfast had some oj and ate some corn beef fried rice from the night befores dinner.

And somewhere in between that all I ate some gravy, chicken,rice, and prime rib.

I know, I was so stupid! :'(

now I'm having explosive/really watery/runny diarrhea and this is the 4th time I've gone..it feels like I'm pissing out of my butt..my stomach feels all whacky and you can literally hear the gases churn my acid a mile away (sounds like I'm hungry but its much more louder and ...monster-like)

I need help. My docs office is closed weekends and I need some input as to what I can take. I heard pepto bismul is unsafe so what are some ways --naturally or use of medicine that I can do to relieve this...I'm so miserable and also, does all this hurt my baby?? I'm 32 weeks ...help!!!

Needless to say I'm ruling out any and all junk foods from now on...sticking to fruits and veggies and..healthy food ops..


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