prosobee too light?

edited January 2012 in Formula Feeding
Is it normal that my 8 week old wants to feed every hour, we just started prosobee but he takes 3-4 but then wants more after one hour one and a half tops. It has helped with spit up gas and colic but I'm concerned he'll get sick over eating. At night he will only take about two oz every two hours but day is 3-4 oz much more often. Is this formula lighter not filling him up is he confused, how do I not feed him every he screams until he gets the bottle. Naps maybe 20 mins and wants to eat again?!?
What can I do


  • I don't realy know what to do to try n help, my daughter is on the same, maby offer him more? But anyway here's a bump up :) good luck. Hope someone elts can help.
  • maybe try giving him more or he could just be going through a growth spurt.
  • I want him to be able to take more at a time but meaning he can go longer between feeding. Lately he does take more, four instead of 2.5 but still wants to be fed an hour and a half later :/ its getting hard to make him wait at least two hours I try to distract him but he gets mad Haha his doctor tried to tell me to make it three oz every three hrs, if only she knew
    Thanks for the response girls, I really appreciate it
  • Sounds like a growth spurt. My daughter went through that too. She didn't really get on a schedule until closer to 4 months, and she went every 2 hours until 5 months. Finally she moved to every 3 hours thru 7 months, now she's going every 4 hours. Have you tried a pacifier? Perhaps he just needs to suck.
  • Yes, he does take it sometimes but other times he hates it and screams even more. He had started to last 2.5-3 hrs and was eating 3 oz. But we switched to Prosobee and he now wants to eat every hour or 1.5
    But at night he will wake up every hour and only take one oz maybe two and of course be hungry again in just one hour. Naps for about 30 mins then start over :( I really don't think he's sleeping what babies should be sleeping.
    I wonder if that formula is lighter digested faster or he's just confusing hunger or I'm the confused one Haha or maybe change nipple size might help no idea. Dr just tells me he should be eating every 3 hrs mmm....
  • What formula was he on before?
  • He was on Nutramigen but it wasn't working that well. It was giving him painful gas and his tummy rumbled a lot oh and constipation which seems to be happening with prosobee as well anyway
  • He started on enfamil newborn, then got moved to gentlease then nutramigen and now prosobee :(
    I'm really hoping he grows out of gas and colic soon. Crossing my fingers that this new formula is the good one
  • Yeah, by 4 months, he should settle down a lot. In about a month you should see some resolution. The change from all those formulas could be messing with his little system also. Poor little feller. :(
  • A month seems so so far away :-( we just finished a colic cry at 3 am he's now sleeping and I'm just praying he doesn't make up. I don't want him to get sick eating so much and not burping most of the time but he won't stop eating
    Thanks for the responses ;)
  • Bumpity bump
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