having trouble today

edited January 2012 in Loss
Most of you know I lost my baby in July. Now its getting to be three weeks before my due date and I'm having a bad time. A girl I knew got pregnant right before me and had her baby today. And an old friend just told me he is having a baby. I'm happy for them, but I'm so mad that I'm not going to have my baby soon. I feel so empty. And I feel like I can't handle it anymore. I have been ttc for six months and I pray to god to please please please give me a baby. But nothing ever happens. I don't think I can do it. And I know there are people out there who deserve to bitch more than I do and I never do but I can't do it anymore. I don't know what to do. Please pray for peace to find me. Thank you ladies. Advice on how to cope is welcomed too.


  • Prayers for you! I hope things get easier and you get a precious baby soon!
  • Jan 21 is coming up and that was my due date with my first but i had a mc. even though its been one year and had a healthy pregnancy after im still having a hard time with it :( i wonder if i will ever get over it....
  • Like for a long time I'll be fine and then it sneaks up on me and my heart shatters all over again. It literally feels like there's a hole in my chest. I hate it.
  • Thats how it is for me. im sitting there then all of a sudden i think of the first one and start crying
  • @ahhtigerstripes1104 oh honey I'm sorry :( I wish the best for you. I had a night like that last night... It just got to much and i had to breakdown and cry it out. 2 bottles of wine later, I was able to do that (i have a hard time letting emotions out sometimes) I pray both of us to have an absolutely adorbale little one to love and cherish ASAP. It kills me when I get on this app and its got the timeline on the bottom of how far along I SHOULD be... If i hadn't lost my darling.
  • @redshadoe0 me too. I'd have two weeks left.
  • I know how you are feeling. I lost my baby in April. I was due Nov 25 so when that time came around it was very hard for me and now its coming up on when I lost him/her. If you ever want to talk im here!
  • @redshadoe0 okay. Five days away. I've had a hard time lately but today was a good day. I'm trying to stay positive. How are you?
    @cmarie324xo thank you :)
  • Researching my bootie off trying to.figure out what happened since the doctor doesn't seem to give a rats ass :) and praying the next one sticks. I'm glad today was a good day! I hope they continue to be good days :)
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