sleeping baby & noise

edited January 2012 in Sleep
Do your babies get woken up easily w/ any noise or can they sleep through them. And was it always like this or did they change? Wondering cause Ary is 2 months and is pretty good about sleeping through noises dont know if this will change as she gets older.


  • My son will sleep well with noise as long as its constant, like tv, music ,kids playing... But as soon as its quiet he will wake easily with noise, he has always been like that he is 2.5 now...
  • thankfully not much noise bothers my lil girl. She fell asleep last week in a pizza place that was full of people and super loud. If she is tired she will sleep. She is almost 4mos. I love it. Hubby is the same way though.
  • Im affraid she'll turn to be a light sleeper b/c its just both of us during the day but i try to have as much noise as possible. A couple i know has a little girl that wakes up w/ anything, doorbell a person talking in the room. Wonder if there are ways to help baby sleep through noise.
  • edited January 2012
    Wow my son is the same exact way @tinka1326. When there's a lot of people over he'll sleep through the loud noises...but once everyone leaves and its just hubby & I he wakes up with any noise even if my ankle pops he but if hes anywhere else he just cries, he's so used to being at home.
  • My daughters a light sleeper. & will not sleep anywhere but home or her grandparents. Been like that since day one, she's 7 months in a few days. It's frustrating, but I'm the same way, so I get it.
  • My son became a light sleep after a month or two
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