My baby got her ears pierced :)

edited January 2012 in Babies "First's"
My little Elena got her ears pierced today. She was more mad at them holding her down then the piercing itself. So proud of my little munchkin.


  • I really wanna take my daughter, she's 5 months old is your baby?
  • She just turned 3 months on the 7th. It really didn't bother her too much. She was smiling after 20 minutes.
  • I had my little girl's done at 2.5 months old. She was the same way. Didn't like being held down. Once I picked her up she was fine.
  • I had Makenzies done at 1 week. She cried for maybe 20 seconds & went back to sleep!
  • Mine was smiling as soon as the earring was in lol we did it last wk at 10 wks .
  • Its so much easier when they are that little. We did it that early with my oldest daughter. My friend came with me though. She offered to hold her for me. :)
  • I want to get my daughters ears done at two months but my friend was saying to wait bc the baby can go into some shock if they are that thing I don't think thats true I looked it up online and nothing bad and obviously your lo are doing great.
  • My lo cried for like 10 seconds my hubby called me evil but loved them after
  • It is painful but I think they are more upset by being held down to do it then the actual piercing itself. Her cry from that was not even close to the cry from her shots.
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