Mwahahahha IM COUNTING IT!

edited January 2012 in Babies
ok ok ok I know he is just making sounds but....
HE SAID MOM! And my husband was there to hear it soooo.... IT TOTALLY COUNTS RIGHT?!! rofl
My husband was playing with him, they were making noises together and then out of no where my son goes "mmmoooommm! MOM!" the look on my husbands face was priceless and I did a victory dance. He also makes the mom sound when he gets fussy and wants me to come right away but I know he doesn't know what he is saying, its just sooo cute and made my day that he made the sound mom before dada or anything hehehehehehehehe
Oh, he is 15 weeks no :-D


  • Awwwwww too cute!
  • You can totally count it!!!
  • Lol... My son does that... pretty much from the begining.. And when he is fussing with his pasi in his mouth he says.. my hubby always says.. 'yeah you, you, you!!'
  • Yay! I'd count it just so i could forever say "mom" was my babies first word...suck it hubby. We're kind of competitive. When my 14 yr old was a baby i tried to get himto say mama & his father tried to get him to say dada. But after all that effort he ended up saying "light", well it sounded more like ight, first.
  • Yes!!!! One down for the mothers!!! Lol
  • Yay For you! My lo after Christmas we put her on her playmat we bought her and I asked her, do u love ur new toys. She said, yea. When I heard it I looked around to make sure I wasn't the only one, lol. Thank goodness hubby & sil heard it too. Cuz lets face it, we can over exagerate. Lol
  • When my son is in a chatting mood and we say "love you" to him he coos it back. It sounds just like love you. We recorded it for proof! Lol
  • Lol. Babies have the silliest ways of making us smile. I bet he knew what he was saying. Hehe.
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