I went to potty and i had brigt red diarrhea? Could it be hemroids? Could it be serious? I have constpation or diarrhea all the time..could it be from that? Im totally freaking out!
I think because its bright red blood its fresh, so maybe from a tear or hemorroid. If its black or brown blood it would be old blood from higher up in the intestinal tract so it could be more serious.. but if i were you I would definitely bring it up with the dr. Just to be safe because you have a history of c and d.
I'm guessing it could be an anal fissure. Its like a small tear that can cause bleeding. You can get them from being constipated or from having excessive diarrhea. They do make your bottom sore after passing a stool. They aren't anything to fret over and can easily be treated. I would go get checked just to make sure.