Mirena question

edited January 2012 in Postpartum Health
I got Mirena on Thursday. I should have asked but does anyone know how long it takes to start working? When am I ok to have sex?

By the way anyone looking into getting it. The whole thing didn't hurt at all my doc put on a numbing cream I would ask for that. The part that was most uncomfortable was putting the speculum in (you know that thingy they use for paps) other then that i didn't feel much of anything at all. I haven't had any cramping or bleeding yet either.


  • Luck you. Lol. I was in tears when they put mine in after my first.
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  • I got my mirena on friday it wasn't too painful getting it without numbing it just a little pinch and cramp. I bled for the first day. I haven't had a period but my dr said it was still effective immediately.
  • idk if i had a period yet cause after i had makenzie i bled heavy for one day then just spoting for 2 weeks then stopped for a week and started agaiin for like 3 days soo i think ill just wait lol
  • I got mine Friday and it wasn't bad at all!!! My Dr prefers to give the mirena towards the end of your period idk why but she told me after my period it was OK to have sex!!!
  • I just got mine in mayve about 2 weeks ago abd it hurt like hell n im getting it taking out asap i have been bleeding since with cramps smh
  • Ahhh =( I got it after my daughter in 09.... Everything seemed ok I had it march 09 to september. I decided to take it out... It took me a YEAR to get pregnant only to end up having an ” empty sac” miscarriage... I did some research and found out that the first time u get pregnant after that it causes miscarriages. This happened to,3 other people I know. I called the company up like wtf they said there was a lawsuit and they lost so they offered to give me $10 from the settlement. I flipped. I told them I was glad they thought me going thru what I went thru was only worth $10. I tell everyone to never get it.. Unless u don't every plan on having kids. Plus when they went to remove it , it was half way out and I bled for about a week and cramped sooo bad. I actually got fired from my job because I could hardly do anything and I didn't want to tell, my boss since I had just started a week before.
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