implation bleeding timing advice

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
Sorry if my title doesn't make much sense. I am currently almost 6 months along. My question is how long after convincing can implantation bleeding occur? My conception date is August 4th but I had implation bleeding on August 28th. To top it off my baby is measuring 1 n a half week bigger than my Edd. So can my conception date be right or am I nit ad far along as thought? I am seeing my doc in over a week. I just found were I marked my implation bleeding down so it got me thinking.
thanks ahead of time for your thoughts and advice.


  • Did you have your first initial u/s? Like between 8-12w? Because for me I have longer cycles so my app said edd was may 21 but because I ovulate later my real dd according to measurements at my 9w u/s is June 5th. They say the most accurate dd is found at the first scan. I also conceived on sept 13 and had one pink spot of blood on sept 25. Thats the only implantation I had.
  • If you are measuring a week ahead then you are farther along than you thought. But unless your doc changes your dd I wouldn't worry too much about it. And for the bleeding I don't have an answer cause I bled until I was almost 14w because of the placenta irritating my cervix because it was low.
  • I found out at 5 weeks but it was just a sack. I am probably just over thinking this cause there telling me I will deliever early because of history and I want my baby to bee ok.
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