Ear infection symptoms
How do you know if lo has ear infection? My daughter is 5 months and normally a good eater. She's taking 1 hour to eat her bottle and only takes 4 ounces of a 5 ounce bottle. She has a fever 100 to 101. She'll be eating and starts crying and and arching her back like something is hurting. We burp her often. She will not let you put her down and not wanting to go to bed which is unusual. I don't know if I should call dr or not. I hate calling with questions they always act like your bothering them when you call. Normally she is such a happy baby I know something is bothering her. What do I do?
I hope your little one feels better! Good luck
But wow tomorrow? I would call back and tell them she needs to be seen today. Ear infections need treatment right away; it quickly can get a lot worse for her.