Ear infection symptoms

edited January 2012 in Babies Health
How do you know if lo has ear infection? My daughter is 5 months and normally a good eater. She's taking 1 hour to eat her bottle and only takes 4 ounces of a 5 ounce bottle. She has a fever 100 to 101. She'll be eating and starts crying and and arching her back like something is hurting. We burp her often. She will not let you put her down and not wanting to go to bed which is unusual. I don't know if I should call dr or not. I hate calling with questions they always act like your bothering them when you call. Normally she is such a happy baby I know something is bothering her. What do I do?


  • I would definitely call. Temp, not eating well and not wanting to be laid down are signs of an ear infection. The pain in the ear causes this. Also tugging or rubbing at the ears is a sign. Hope the lo feels better soon!
  • edited January 2012
    Yes those are signs of an ear infection. You need to take her in, she needs antibiotics. Who cares what anyone thinks. If you have a question, you need answers. Screw them if they make you feel that way, but don't let it hold you back from getting answers you desperately need. If you are uncomfortable with the way they treat you, find another doc. That's highly unprofessional, for anyone in a doctors office to act!
    I hope your little one feels better! Good luck
  • @musicmomma- thanks. @summergirl22 I'm gonna call them today and get her in. If it wasn't for her dr I would change. Her dr is really good with her and it's just his staff that act like that. I told the girl one time that I know my daughter better them she does and she needed to be seen. Then when I went in I told the dr about it and he said that wasn't ok for her to be like that and he would talk to her.
  • edited January 2012
    Ooh wow, her doctor was right, that is defiantly not ok for her! You shouldn't be treated like that! I can't believe she is still working there after that. When you call don't ask that stupid women anything. Just get to the point of requesting a sick visit appt. If she asks why she needs to be seen, tell her you will discuss that with the doctor when you get there. You are her mother and if you want to bring your baby to the doc, they can't refuse to see her.
  • @summergirl22 she has a appt for tomorrow morning. Thank goodness that girl didn't answer the phone. When I called I just told them I needed to make a appt for my daughter. Didn't even let then question me on why before they told me when they could see her.
  • My daughter is on meds for an ear infection and showed no signs. I had taken her in cuz she had a really bad cold and croup we were moving so I wanted to follow up before she switched doctors. Turned out on top of croup, a cold, and teething she also had an ear infection in both ears.
  • Good job! :) even if you wanted to have the doc check her to see if she was getting a tooth soon lol, they need too see her!
    But wow tomorrow? I would call back and tell them she needs to be seen today. Ear infections need treatment right away; it quickly can get a lot worse for her.
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