im so fn p/o and feel so horrible
I know a lot of us here are full time workers and that for some of us our parents watch the baby full time while being at work.. well thats how it is for me. Tues im off and i live with my mom. So my 3.5 mo old had a bottle about 815 and started fussing again, i guessed because he was tired. He cried a lot and my mom comes in and takes him put him in his chair, and got his baby food out. I told ger i got it and she said wait a min so she stared feeding him. I was like wtf. That is my fucking kid not yours. I didbt tell her that but after a few more bites she was like ok here you go. I said no you wanna feed him then you do it. So i got a couple of ounces of milk and left the room. Idt my kid even knows who i am. When he tries to play peekaboo he looks at her, when i sit down he looks for her.. i have to work, theres nothing i can do about it. Im so depressed cause i wanna spend my time with him but i cant. Now its as if she takes over. I dont know how what i can do...