breastfeeding moms i need an answer!

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
I pump while I'm at work and bf when I get off n my days off. Well my Lo eats a good amount when I'm gone, but when I'm home he barely finishes one breast. Is that normal or ok? I know if u pump u can't tell how much u get but from both I usually only get about 5 oz n when I'm gone he'll eat like 4 oz each sitting


  • I bf and pump and find my lo eats way more with a bottle. I guess cause its less effort to retrieve milk the from bottle. They drink what they need as long as they seem content it should be fine.
  • I'm sure if your lo seems satisfied then its ok
  • Babies are more efficient at emptying a breast than the pump. They get a lot more and faster than the pump. Your lo is probably eating more than u think in that short amount of time
  • Agreed @doodles
    She's right, your baby is getting way more then you think, if anything I bet she's getting more with that one breast then she gets from the bottle. A baby nursing is natural and the flow of your milk is so much easier/better. Think of it this way, some mothers can't get any milk from a pump! Even though there supply is perfect.
    Don't worry, just go by the wet diapers.
  • Yep I can't get a drop by using a pump but my baby is chunky and happy
  • I didn't have much luck with a pump either with my 5 and 7 year old, I had to hand express. We will see how it all goes this time around with our 3rd girl
  • Yay thanks ladies I was worried. My lil boy is 3 months n 14lbs :) he's not chubby but he's got some meat on him
  • Aww he sounds healthy. Mine was 16 pound at 3 months lol. Chunk!
  • @doodles holy shit lol that's a nice healthy baby!
  • Lol yep! Hes tall though too ;-)
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