Worlds apart
We've had a hard couple of years to say the least... Been through a lot... But I've been having a hard time with my husband during this pregnancy & I'm unsure of what to do. For the first part it was stress due to him losing his job but I just dOnt feel like I'm a priority. Maybe 3-4th on the list? And I don't think it's pregnancy hormones. We've talked about it sO it's not that I'm not communicating... Just don't know what to do bc I know that someone out there would treat me like gold.., the way he used to.., just really getting me down & I'm a pretty up-beat person.
@1stwoodsbaby they sure are tough! Thanks, we need it!
@ltlnckl Maybe giving your bf space for a little bit will help him see what he's missing out on. It sucks feeling single when you aren't though. Try to stay strong and congrats on feeling baby. It's such an awesome feeling.
Hope your man snaps out of it that you have deal with this while your pregnant.