spotting scare!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I went to the ER today because I had some brownish spotting. I wouldn't normally freak out about brown, because it is old blood, but it seemed like there was more than there should be. After being examined and getting an ultrasound my cervics is still closed, the baby measured perfectly (8 weeks-2 days), and there was a good heartbeat. I'm happy everythings okay but I can't help but feel worried. Anyone else having/ever had spotting issues at 8 weeks?


  • I had the same thing at about 7 weeks. Spotted brown for almost a week. Went to the er with cramps and spotting 3 times. Each time they checked me and said everything was fine. It wasn't until I was about 8 weeks that I started bleeding so bad I had blood running down my legs. Went back to the er when they finally diagnosed me with a subchorionic hematoma and that's what had been causing the spotting and then the blood. Thank goodness the baby was ok. If they would have spotted the SCH the first time I went in it would have saved a lot of stressing and trips to the er. Any blood isn't normal unless its implantation bleeding that occurs at about 4 or 5 weeks.
  • Oh I know. They were trying to reassure me that "some woman spot through out the pregnancy" but it didn't make me feel any better.
  • I don't spot daily but when I do, I check constantly. I've read some horror stories about miscarriages in the past so I keep freaking myself out! All I can do is pray that the baby stays healthy.

    @tiff87124 I'm glad you're doing fine! :)
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