I need to vent.....

edited January 2012 in Relationships
Today was horrible. My husband had a meeting today and got home a couple hours earlier than usual. So I assumed that since he would be home early he would help me with the kids so that I could get a few things done. Not so much! He has a headache. For the most part I do a damn good job getting household duties and daily things taken care of by myself. I'm sure you can relate that its very hard to accomplish anything with a fussy 3 month old and a snot for a 3 year old. He is always there for me, he's an amazing husband and father. I guess I'm just disappointed because I couldn't wait for him to come home and he was so crabby and went to bed at 9:00. I have a back ache so maybe ill sleep in tomorrow, but wait who will take care of the babes? Me that's who!!! Now I'm sitting here awake and everyone else is sleeping. This is when we are supposed to have talk about our days and cuddle without Allie saying " I want to play doll house or let's do a puzzle." I'm rambling......sorry. vent over :(


  • Im srry :( my hubby works all night and sleeps all day... I understand
  • Thank you. He really is a good man, always helping out. I just hate when I plan things out in my head and they don't go as planned. I'm ca-razy like that! I'm sorry for you also. That can't be fun.
  • It's like men think its the woman's job to care for the kids and they don't need a break. Yes, I love being a mommy but dang, I need a break for my sanity! I'm sorry you had a rough day hun.
  • @LilSugarsMomma....thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I love being him with my babes, I wouldn't trade it for anything but I do need a break every now and then! Tomorrow is a new day!!! :)
  • I am sorry. My hubs goes to school 7 AM till noon thna 530 till 9. Hes a great dad and helps around the house on his breaks but at night hes out cold right after he gets home or locks himself in a room with his books. I am a student to so its not cuddly tome but id love to sit on the same room and study together. I sweat sometimes it feels as if were roommates not married. I hope things get better for you. "US" time is important.
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