second child due in april

edited February 2011 in Second pregnancy
How do you deal with two children 22months apart?


  • I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby n my 1st baby is 10 mths....its very hard to deal with it....I look at it as "I'm getting them out the way" I cried a lot at 1st but now I'm okay especially since I fund out I'm having a boy. That wll make 1girl n 1boy and I'm done! Told my doc I wanted to be tied after this preg.....then ill jus focus on loosin n being active for them
  • Mine will be 16 months apart. You can do it hun. They will be very close when they are older and your little one might be jealous for awhile but in time, he/she wont even remember being without their younger sibling.
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