Bikini Malfunction

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
I breastfeed and have to change my nursing pads twice a day due to heavy let down and leaking. Im going on vacation soon and realized I will be wearing bikinis and nursing pads don't look well or even fit. What can I do? I do plan on going into the water but majority of the time I will be sitting trying to look pretty, not leaky.


  • Most suits have pads in them that might help...
    Maybe when you see yourself leaking jump into the pool? Lol I don't know but here is a bump
  • Stick a pad in the hole where the pad for the bikini goes in lol Idk just pump a lot every couple hours. That should help. Have fun sorry no good advice here. :(
  • @littlefae haha I will be jumping into the ocean, may be difficult during mid conversation.

    @samantha Before I was pregnant I was a size B so all bikinis I wore had pads for help. However, after having my daughter I am now a double D and no longer require pads. The suits are more like lined material, no where to put round nursing pads in triangular tops...its like a geometric problem. Hehe
  • Cut a panty liner into a shape that will fit. The small super thin liners are not noticeable but I wouldn't jump in water with them. Sorry sounds weird but it works.
  • Maybe being in the cold water will help you not to leak so much.
  • edited January 2012
    @mommyof4boys Good idea. Would tape hold it?

    @Britt21 Hope the cold water helps, I should take a cold shower to test it out.
  • edited January 2012
    The sticky on the panty liner. Double sided tape would work too.
  • Idk how well the panty liner will stay or tape for that matter once it gets wet won't the sticky adhesive part wear off and not work? Hope you figure something out that works & soon! @crisjoe
  • I'm a dd and found some with pads inside Hmm. I assumed they had them to keep from nipple showing through the tops when Ya get cold Haha.
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