scared :-(

Had blood tests today, 12 weeks pp and so. Dizzy all the time, chest pains feel faint, etc. They think i am anemic but scared its something else. I think just anemic cos turned down blood transfusion at his birth cos i had enough after a difficult labour. Just scared of the pain Hz chest and back more than anything. Will get results Monday wish me luck!


  • Hey I feel same and I breastfeeding but I haven't took it serious
  • I'm ebf and was feeling the same way last week with the addition of headaches. My mom is a nurse and wanted to take my blood pressure. It was 88/70. VERY low. She said i need to be drinking a lot more water because ebf was dehydrating me and my fluids were low. I thought i was drinking enough but since I've almost doubled my water intake I've felt a lot better. So it might not be low blood pressure in your case but it could be a possibility.
  • Thanks so much all baby was induced due to bad blood pressure amongst other things kept jumping from like 150over something to 40 over but they never checked it since i gave birth! I ebf. Too and going to try drink loads more but already having prob about two litres per day! Will keep updated after Monday :-)
  • I had a blood transfusion after a very long complicated very bloody (sorry if thats tmi) birth w my first and i have to tell ya it really made me feel so much better. However, i lost so much blood i kept passing out. Not too fun. Are u taking iron? I hope u get some answers and i hope its nothin much. Good luck. Hope u feel better SOON!!!
  • I was on iron but doc said i didn't need it after two weeks but didn't test my blood. I got some more from Another doctor but they ran out about a month ago, should have gone got more but hate needles After childbirth too so was being stupid about it! The reason i turned down blood transfusion was cos i had been in hospital for weeks had so many problem and tests then finally had baby then they took canula about hand and about ten mins later asks about transfusion i had just had enough and literally couldn't take any more but wish i had now! Thank ill:-)
  • Ok just back from doctor they said iron is low but not dangerously low but something shown up in liver but need not go get that checked again for 3 months so can't be bad. Said i am sleep deprived and dehydrated and that i should get my eyes checked, not sure why tho! She said i may need to change to formula instead of breast so i sleep more but i don't want to formula:-C
  • Hugs! Glad its nothing major, could you possibly introduce formula just on a night huni? Xx
  • How is formula goinna help you sleep more? Then you actually have to get up get a bottle make it/ heat it then stay awake the whole time while feeding...and with breast feeding you can lay tummy to tummy baby can nurse and you can nap/ sleep.
  • Yeah she said could just do formula at night i guess cos it fills them up more in theory so he would wake less? Just seems a waste when i am makin so much milk!
  • And yeah although i wake up every 2 hours ish at night to feed he only has 5 mins then back to sleep. Think i am just gonna try increase the gap between feeding before starting formula so maybe fat more less often?
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