<b>Ok... </b>Who's dropped their LO already?

edited January 2012 in Postpartum Health
My 10 year old son had Haylee while I was cooking.. he was making up his bed, threw his comforter on the carpeted floor. He went to put her down on the bed to get his pillow and she rolled right off onto the comforter ... She was scared more than anything.. my poor son cried harder.then she did while saying.. "I almost killed her, I almost killed her" :-( ... My LO was so bothered by him crying she stopped to so she can watch him..

I wouldn't dare tell my honey Haylee took a tumble.... He's been telling me since she was born not to let the little ones hold her...

But jeeez... When I'm home alone I can use all the help I can.


  • Don't think you'll get anyone else to confess... Hasn't happened to me yet.
  • I didnt drop him but i fell down the last 3 steps last weekend when I was holding my 11wk old. I was going to let my hb in who locked himself out. He saw the whole thing. I took the brunt of it but we both still hit the tile. We took him to the ER to get checked out n he was fine thank god...
  • I dropped Malia when we were still in the hospital. I think the second night. Had an unexpected c-section so I couldnt reach the basinett and stuff with out calling unhelpful nurses.. so she slept with me sitting kind of up.. she rolled right out of my arm, guess I got too relaxed. THANK GOD the rail was up, or she would have ended up on the floor. I was so scared, I felt so bad! But not since then.
  • My now 7 year old was a week old. I must of fallen asleep cause I jerked and he rolled down my legs on to the floor. He didn't cry but I felt like the biggest pos.

    Oh n my sister dropped my oldest his first day home from hospital. Thankfully it was just from her arms to the bed she was sitting on.

    Accidents happen.
  • I haven't dropped yet but my son when he was about 3 months old rolled off the couch I turned away for a second bc I heard my daughter scream and he rolled off. It was onto carpet but I felt horrible! He didn't even cry tho.. it was when he started to roll and I didn't even think anything of it bc he was so stationary prior to that. It happens and they recover...I know my mom had five of us and used us older kids to help with the younger kids...I was twelve when my bro was born, so I watched him alot And I remember my older sisters friends coming over, one day her friend who was a basketball player (really tall) was tossing him up and down and holding him above her head and she lowered him and brought him back up again too fast, she ended up slamming his head on the ceiling! Ouch! I was watching him so I felt horrible, I didn't know what to do. I did tell my mom and she was ok with it just told me a story how she dropped my younger sis once when she was a baby and that it would be ok...so it happens.
  • I almost dropped my baby the other day he was in his carseat/stroller went for a walk b/c it was warm out here, came to a high curb tried to pick up the stroller and the carseat fell out! Luckily he was strap down and I was able to catch it because it fell inward smh he cried it scared him b/c he was sleep! I felt bad like your baby you wish it never happens but accidents happen...
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  • I didn't drop him but at about 2 months old his base wasn't properly buckled in and when i turned he went sideways..i felt like a pos but he is fine.
  • My son was asleep on my bed when he was 2 months and i was turning the tv off and as soon as i turned around to the tv he round off and hit the floor he woke up and looked around then he start crying! I had him in my arms by then but i felt so bad. My son is 6mos now and im a very clumsy person and feel really bad for my son, hes already hit his head on the wall and ran into things, he takes after mommy :-(
  • edited January 2012
    @YNVTish I don't mean to laugh but it's funny that your LO stopped crying to look at her brother cry... like "What are you crying for, I'm the one that fell?" Lol.
  • At 10 weeks my son almost rolled off the couch. I was bfing laying down and fell asleep. Fortunately I had pulled the coffee table up next to the couch so I could reach my drink so he rolled onto the table. But it was really scary, I felt like the worst mom ever.
  • I was changing my lo on my parents ottoman I turned around for just a second and he rolled off onto a christmas box he cried for a few seconds and was fine I cried for hours.
  • I did on Halloween. She was sitting in the corner of my sisters couch I grabbed my camera and she slid right off the couch onto the floor. I cried harder then she did, and I still haven't told hubby about and I don't plan on it lol.
  • With my daughter: The day before my hubby met her for the first time she rolled off the couch onto a hardwood floor and there was a computer power converter thing (the square box on the cord) that she fell on. She was 5 months, went to hospital and she was ok.
    With my son: I tripped on my slippers going up the stairs and my son kinda 'whiplashed' forward. I caught him before he hit the ground but I was bawling my eyes out. My hubby took him cause I was shaking so bad. He was 2 1/2 months and wasnt even crying or anything. We kept an eye on him and I wouldnt put him down for about 6 hrs and he was ok. :-)
  • edited January 2012
    *knock on wood* I personally haven't dropped her. But she did fall off the bed the other day (she's 8 months). I had put her on the bed and went to use the restroom real quick. She just scooted off I guess. She was just sitting there on the floor. Didn't even cry though, still scared the **** out of me
  • Mine scooted right out of my arms at 2mths. luckly I was getting ready to lay him down on the bed he landed on the bed. Then my dads girlfriend was holding/rocking my son and she went to get up out of the rocker and she hit the floor and the rocker came right behind her. She didn't evem drop my son. That was at few weeks old.
  • When Xavier was 3 monthsso we fell asleep and he rolled off the couch it was on to the carpet but a nearly had a heart attack he cried for a minute and then was fine as a ftm I want to go to the er my husband thought I was crazy his thought was if he was hurt he would of continued to cry needless to say no er and no problems
  • I was really tired one night after I got done cooking. I laid on the sofa with Kaylee on top of me while she was falling asleep. I ended up falling asleep also and when I woke up Kaylee was face down on the floor crying. I'm guessing she rolled off of me. I felt so horrible and I cried for hours. Luckily she fell on the carpet though and she was fine but all I could do was cry and pray.
  • @veevee... Seriously.. she so nosey too! But my son always makes the biggest scene when he does something wrong. There's no need to spank him because he beats hisself up.

    But she stopped crying like WTF is going! LOL
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  • @YNVTish Lol. That's his defense mechanism so you won't whoop him.

    Well that's also good that see is I guess alert. My cousin daughter was so nosey that she would stop eating to look at what was going on around her.

    @ArmahnisMommy LOL!
  • When I was an infant my mom and I took a tumble down an entire flight of stairs. My mom tripped at the top and we bounced all the way to the bottom! She told me she still feels bad (I'm 23, lol).

    My sil is an OB nurse and I asked her about people dropping babies and she said, "It's okay most of the time. Babies bounce."
  • I havent dropped my LO but she is crawling and standing so she always bumpping her head. Which scares the crap out of me sometimes
  • My son w as like 2 or 3 weeks old. I fell asleep with him on my tummy, as always, this particular day I must have forgot and I turned and he fell onto the floor. He cried but after I picked him up and patted be fell back asleep!
    I didn't dare tell his dad cuz he's always told me not to sleep with him on my timmy but I can't help it :) I feel jr's safer when he's laying on me
  • @wyattsmommy I had the exact opposite happen to me lol. Last week I put Isaiah in his bouncer and buckled him up. So I could run to restroom. I get out I totally forgot I buckled him up. Went to pick him up and the bouncer came with lol.
  • I was nervous about having another lo because my son used to walk around with a baby doll singing "rocky baby rocky baby. DROP!! DROP!!"
  • Ugh I shamefully admit that my son has fallen 3 times. Once by me, once by his daddy and once on his own :( He's a reflux baby so he has to be upright after his feedings and at the time he was like 2 1/2 months still waking up in the middle of the night for a bottle. So I gave him his bottle and put him on my chest as I always had done and drifted off to sleep. In my head I heard a big scream and jumped up realizing he wasn't on my chest anymore. I looked to the side of the bed and there he was, fast asleep on top of the blanket. I don't know where the hell I heard that scream from, but I nearly lost my mind. I boohooed all the way to the hospital, only to get there and my lil man is flirting and laughing with the nurse. -_- When my BF dropped him I was pissed because I couldnt believe that after what happened to me, he would still put him on his chest and fall asleep! AND he scratched his little nose up :( I didn't talk to his daddy for 3 days straight. I saw it happening and couldnt believe it. FINALLY, like 2 weeks ago, we put him to sleep in the middle of the bed between us. He must have scooted his way to the top of the bed and rolled off bc his dad sleeps in a C shape on the bed with the top half exposed... I watched him roll off thinking I was dreaming and jumped up as soon as he fell. Poor little man... There's a pillow fort surrounding the bed now. sigh....
  • @kayycarter first years has a safety sleeper. Its an in bed co sleeper that has sides so scootchers can't get very far. My oldest scooted to the head of my bed when he was about 3 months and now I've used the co sleeper with my younger boys. It really is nice to have and a huge comfort.
  • @mommy4boys
    I've gotta go get that. He wakes himself in his bassist by scooting to the top and pushing his head in it...
  • my son rolled off the bed, and onto the tile floor..he cried for a minute, and then stopped. he did get a knot on his little head, but it went away by the next morning.
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