4 months on Jan 29 and hes showing signs of wanting to eat solids

edited January 2012 in Solid Foods
My son will be 4 months on the 29 and he showing signs of wanting our food. He opens his mouth and smacks his lips all the time when we eat he grabs our food and even when we drink something he wants it. Today he got super pissed off cuz my husband didn't give him some of his coffee. He has his 4 month appointment on the 31st so should I wait or should I call his Pedi and ask her if I can start now? Have any of you started solids early?


  • I started both my boys on fruits at 3 months
    They both where grabbing for food and my pedi told me as long as they weren't fussy or vomit after eating it was fine just earlier than recommonded. I just gave em a few bites here and there thou out the day of the stage one baby food or real banana. Mash potaota at about 4 months. They both have healthy eating habits. My almost 3 year old will go onto the kitchen and get a.banana before hey picks out chips which are both in reach.
  • Too funny! My son will be 4mos on the 29th too and I justttt asked my mom this question!! I'm just going to wait the week and ask his Dr when I go. I'm hoping they say yes bc he never seems full :)
  • My son has been doing the same exact thing since he was barely 3 month. He'll be 4 months in the 28, I start feeding him baby food 2 weeks ago, he eats it well, so I would suggest giving your baby that instead of solids
  • I would give your l/o some rice cereal mixed "soupy" to start out & if that goes good make it a lil thicker. By the time he is good with that u will be going to doc & can discuss it with them. My pedi started with cereals then orange vegies each for 3-5 days to make sure no allergies then last was fruits. Some babies refuse veggies if they have fruits first.
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