temp of 101 with two month shots

edited January 2012 in Babies Health
My son got his shots this morning and has been acting normal...Just sleeping a little more but we just took his temp and its 101. Is this normal? The Dr. Told us that babies getting temps from the shots is very rare and not to expect it. I gave him baby tylenol...is there any thing else I can do to bring it down?


  • I agree just Tylenol and relaxing...or possible Luke warm bath. I usually give my kids Tylenol before we go about a half hour before bc then it helps with pain and helps with fever:)
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  • I got him just hanging out in a onsie but now he's really fussy =[ poor guy. At what temp should I call the Dr?
  • Place a cool towel around your baby
  • edited January 2012
    They usually don't worry about temps til 104...I know its hard but they won't have you bring him in unless its at 104. Last week my son was at 103.8 and they told me unless its over 104 not to worry. My sis son was at 105 and they had her go to the ER...so hang in there:):) its hard bc you feel terrible but keep him hydrated and dressed like you have him:) also, cool rag on the back of the neck

  • @mom2ing he's two months.

    This is horrible. :-S I'm ready to cry with him.
  • Ok thank you!
  • My LO ran a 101.9 fever with her 2 month shots that lingered a few days. I called the Dr. and they said to not worry unless it gets to 102 or higher. Turns out she falls in the 3% who run fevers after vaccinations. She did at 4 months and just a few days ago at 6 months. I know how you feel, it broke my heart. *hugs*
  • Did you give her tylenol before you took her to her four or six month shots? I think thats what I'll do next time to try to prevent him from going through this
  • I personally didn't, but I know more than a handful of parents that did. Many do to help with the pain.
  • I can't help but I was wondering what kinda shots do they do at the 2 month check up? I take my little man tomorrow for his.
  • @tinksmommy If fever lasts more than one day then call. That's what my ped said. A fever for a baby is over 101
  • He got four shots... I know one was polio and I think one was hep b..not sure on the other two. They gave me papers on all of them but they're in my car. They also gave him a vaccine by mouth.
  • Has anyone else's baby had a bad reaction? My poor boy is just miserable! He's so fussy and nothing is making him happy or even content and his temp is hanging around 100.7 now. It's been almost 12 hours since the shots. I feel horrible for doing this to him!
  • I've always been told anything over 100.4 to go in...i definetely would
  • Strange, because when my daughter was 2 months old, she ran a fever of 101 and was instantly hospitalized. My doctor and the children's hospital told me at that young, anything over 100.4 is no bueno. She had RSV so maybe its different with shots? :/ I don't know. :/
  • @mom2ing possibly, but before they even started doing tests on what was causing the fever, they admitted her.
  • My son had to be hospitalized after his 2 month shot for vomiting and not eating... I've since decided to get his shots spread apart, Idk if that would help in the case of fevers for next time.
  • @kayycarter what do you mean spread out? My son isn't eating very well...never thought it would be because of the shots. Hes only eating maybe half of what he normally does if that
  • edited January 2012
    He was due for I think 5 vaccines and an oral one at his last appt, I only allowed 2 vaccines and the oral dose. The others will come at a later date. I can't bare seeing my baby sick. At 2 months he got the shots on Thursday, barely ate Friday and Saturday so I called their after hours line and they made me do pedialyte which he still couldn't keep down. Sunday he was in the hospital... I don't wanna go through that ever again so his doctor understood completely
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