I am going to freaking punch him!!!

My husband made us sick! (I know its not really his fault but I'm too stressed to care right now). He had a cold that we all babied him through....for like 2 weeks. He would moan and groan over every ache and sniffle. He didn't miss work but laid around and did nothing when he was at home. Well now 3 out of 4 kids have it including our 3 month old and me. I haven't been able to take anything cause I'm ebf so there's no relief. I cleaned all day plus took care of the baby while he sat on his butt in front of the tv. Now its 2:20 am the baby is so stuffy he is having trouble nursing, so I used saline and the nose sucker. Maddox was screaming, Im crying, and my freaking hubby is just snoring away. Then in the middle of all this my 10 year old who just got braces today, comes in here crying cause her teeth are hurting. So, I ask the dillweed to please give her some motrin. He huffed and puffed about me waking him up. Are you kidding me? Ugh....I may need bail money!!!!

*sorry this is so long...but it may have just saved my husbands life. Lol I really needed to vent! :O


  • @tazedblondie He can be very helpful....when its good for him. But sometimes when I need help the most, he is the laziest! I am totally going to get a massage, pedi, and do a night out with my girls as soon as I get to feeling better.(Maddox will of course go on the girls night out)
    How do you use the breast milk like saline? I've never heard of that...
  • Awww poor kiddies... Get better soon xox
  • Thanks @tinka1326 it was a rough night!
  • I have the same prob, when he is sick the whole world stops. He groans, moans, and sleeps. I end up doing everything around the house. But guess what?? When I am sick i still have to take care of the kids and do everything I normally do:( I think its a man thing. And they say that if a man is babied by his mother that he is like that but my man never once even met his mom, he was taken at birth due to her being a drug addict and domestic abuse in the home. Pretty much on his own since 16. So I really don't know where it comes from. He only does stuff that benefits him..ie: he will run around like a mand man on a football Sun, motivated to get all our errands done to get home for the game, but if i ask him to run out to get milk or diapers he takes his good old time. He can run out and get himself beer and wings for the game but if I need something its a hassle:( He isn't lazy at work but at home he will even admit he is lazy..clothes everywhere, wrappers all over and the garbage can is not even a foot away!! I have learned over the years to just let it go bc i was stressing too much (being OCD about everything in its place) I usually just let it go as far as wash if its on the floor it doesn't get washed.. so he slowly is learning:)
  • @Mommyo4 I FEEL YA! I tell Boyfriend that his good looks save his life daily LOL. He does the same crap with every little cold or pain. The last time I got sick I basically told him "I'm sick, suck it up, losing sleep is a part of being a parent." He huffed for approx. 2 seconds until I gave him the look of death :) I just had to stop catering to his selfish behavior.
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