baby food and baby cereal??***

edited January 2012 in Food
What age to start baby on baby food and cereal???


  • I started my daughter on cereal it almost 4 months.. she was sitting up with minimal help and leaning toward the spoon. I made it really liquidy at first.. I didn't start her on food until the doctor told me I could.. which he said I could start after she had been on cereal for about a month. If/when you start solids, you have to watch their poop and make sure they don't get backed up.
  • edited January 2012
    I started my son at 3 months on oatmeal for the same reason as lucyloo but he likes it thick, I tried it runny and he would eat it but was just bleah over it. I thickened it one night and he attacked it!! Lol... poops have been good though.
  • Well he is 13 weeks and I started he at 12 weeks. How much would u recommend in a 4 oz bottle?? And how often???
  • Right now I'm use n the single grain rice cereal.
  • Why in a bottle?
  • Should I try with spoon?
  • edited January 2012
    You shouldn't put it in a bottle. They will let you know when they are ready. Only from a spoon. They have to get rid of the reflex to push the food out with their tongue. Usually the only reason to put cereal in a bottle is a VERY small amount for babies who spit up, and only at the advice of their doctor. Cereal too early can lead to obesity in children.
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