Is it normal for babies to puke so much

edited January 2012 in First time moms
My son literally spits up after EVERY bottle he drinks. Not just a little bit either like a whole lot. I've changed his milk per the ped and it still hasn't gotten any better. We think he may have acid reflux and he's on medicine for it Zantac but it's just not helping. I don't know what to do. He was on Enfamil gentlease now he's on Nutrimegen (spelling/) for Colic. I just wanna know is my son the only one puking after every feeding


  • My baby Durrell does that sometimes try rice cereal it works every tone with my baby
  • My sons ped told me to add rice cereal to his bottle for spit up. How many oz does he drink? Maybe he's getting too full
  • My little little one has reflux and dr put him on alimentum we put oatmeal in cereal it worked better then the rice and he's on previcid you just need to find the right combination I know it's hard but hang in there
  • Use dr browns bottles and make sure to have him sit upright in a bouncer our on a boppy for 15-20 min after feeding
  • My son did that too and my Dr put him on prevacid & said to add a little bit of sweet potatoes to his bottle. We haven't done the sweet potatoes yet, but he's been taking the prevacid for a week and I can already see a difference.
  • @stella i am going to try the oatmeal and see if that works better then the rice because I've been giving him rice cereal in every bottle for about a month now & it hasn't helped. idk if he is on Zantac or Prevacid @hanerc I will have to check when i get home @sands3 he drinks 4 oz about every1.5 hours.
  • How old is him? Eating 4 oz every 1.5 hr seems like a lot. Maybe he is over eating
  • Yea 4oz every hour and a half is alot joe old is he
  • Ask the doctor about alimentum it is similacs version of the nuntrigin(sp?) That also might make a difference.
  • he is 10 weeks
  • That is a lot. My lo is 12 weeks and eats 5oz every 3-4 hours. Maybe he is getting to full, therefore throwing up. Try lower the amount of ounces and see if that helps.
  • Yeah maybe he's eating alot. My son is on nutramigen also due to projectile vomiting and it's helped alot. Try to cut down on his feedings!
  • My son has acid reflux reallyyyy bad and is also on Zantac. His Dr told me that it isn't made to help with the throwing up, just with the burning in their throat :( My son throws up after every time he eats, just keep him upright after feeding... Not sitting though bc that puts pressure on his belly. Put him in a carseat or bouncer like the other ladies said!
  • I am sorry you have to deal with this. I know how incredibly frustrating it is! My daughter is 3 months old and we have been dealing with acid reflux since she was around 7 weeks. We tried zantac for over a month and it didn't help at all. She continued to spit up and scream because she was so miserable. Last week we switched her to prevacid. Dr said it will help with the acid coming up but she will still spit up. So far she seems much happier than she was but continues to spit up quite frequently with less volume than before. As long as she isnt hurting I can deal with the barfing and the extra laundry. I would definitely ask your Dr if you can switch medicine. Zantac (IMO) is just glorified sugar water. Good luck. Hope your boy gets better!!
  • Thats alot and very frequent feedings. I personally would be trying to stretch out the feeds to atleast 2 hours even if he still wants the 4oz. Keep in mind how tiny their stomachs are at this age and they will fuss and want another feed when they have a belly ache too because they dont know how else to make it feel better.
  • Actually he isn't eating that frequently I asked my cousin (who is his sitter) how often he eats and she said about every 2 hours and most of the time he only drinks 3 oz so I guess that's good. But i feel like he's loosing most of that because he's throwing most of it up which is crazy. Thanks for all your feedback ladies. Glad to know that my son isn't the only one who suffers from this horrible pain
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