All of a sudden formula allergy?

edited January 2012 in Formula Feeding
I started formula feeding my daughter at 7 weeks. I tried enfamil infant as that was wat I had the most samples of. she was whiney and cranky and a whole other baby. from the second I tried similac advance my babys belly was ok again. the problem is, this past week she is constantly spitting up whether its 4, 5 or 6 ounces. she is def burped enough. btw she will be 4 months on feb 6. my question is, could a baby all of a sudden become allergic to a type of formula? we dont qualify for wic so I have to buy it myself and waste $ on a bunch of different kinds. any ideas??


  • My daughter went thru a stage of spitting up. From about 5-6.5 months old. We burped her after every 2 oz which helped but honestly just stopped on its own.
  • woohoo! thats good to hear (kinda) lol ty
  • My son was a spit up baby, tried everything and a bunch of different formulas... Eventually I just left him on the one he seemed to like and around 6-7 months he mostly grew out of it
  • Try similac sensitive.....worked wonders for us
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