had my membrains striped today did this work for u

edited January 2012 in Giving birth
So I am 40 weeks 1cm and had my membrains striped today to try and start labor hoping it helps I am a little crampy but nothing to bad. Did it work for any of u ladies at all. I so don't want to be induced and if baby does not come by Thursday that is what will happen :-(


  • I never had it happened my friend did she was 40 weeks and a week later she went into labor
  • Worked for me. I was 40 weeks exactly when I had my son. They stripped mine and I had my son 36 hrs later :)
  • With my son I was 1cm and 40+1 and went into labour 2 days after. With my daughter I was 3cm 40+2 and nothing... Then 40+6 and 4cm and labour started 36 hours later
  • Worked for me. Had them stripped at 9 am, contractions started immediately, like off the bat they were 5 minutes apart. Had my daughter at 940 pm that same night. Mind you, that was the third time they were stripped and I was 3-4 cm
  • Be sure to be active after they were stripped, go on walks, do some sexy time!! Good luck!!
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