Order of feeding solids

edited January 2012 in Solid Foods
our ped. has suggested the veggies than fruits than meats feeding plan. But just wonder what order you ladies used to feed your babies? Also which order foods did u use (like peas than beans, than sweat potatoes, etc). I plan on making my own but buying the meats (I dont want the risk of me undercooking it for Lily :) )


  • I introduced carrots and then peas. That's as far as we've got so far. With my 2 y/o I did it backwards & gave fruits first. It was a big mistake for me b/c he refused the veggies altogether.
  • @ArmyMommy Thanks! did you thicken up the carrots with rice or oatmeal? I work in the infant room in the afternoons and I have noticed that the carrots stage 1 foods are rediculously soupy lol
  • I used a little rice cereal in them the first time around. The rice cereal constipates Kendall so badly that I decided not to give it to her anymore though.
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