please pray for Maddox ***update
Maddox goes to a neuro surgeon tomorrow. He has a knot on the left side of his head near his temple. Our pediatrician did not want to do an xray at his 2 month check up since he is so young. He is now 3 months old and further tests will be up to the neurologist. We are praying it is nothing serious does not require surgery. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you.
Neurologist thinks it is a benign cyst. As long as it doesn't grow faster than Maddox then there isn't any rush to have it removed. So we can wait until he is older. He had an xray after his appt so as long as it confirms the Dr's diagnosis then we are good to go. He goes back in 3 months to check for growth. Thank you for your prayers!
Neurologist thinks it is a benign cyst. As long as it doesn't grow faster than Maddox then there isn't any rush to have it removed. So we can wait until he is older. He had an xray after his appt so as long as it confirms the Dr's diagnosis then we are good to go. He goes back in 3 months to check for growth. Thank you for your prayers!
@mrswright that's what we are assuming his is. But it will more than likely require surgery so they can test it and make sure there's not any cancerous cells. Our 12 year old had one behind her ear when she was 2....had it removed. Are they going to do anything with your nephews?