dollar store test?

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
So my af is due on the 1st but I really feel like I'm prego all I rly wanna do is take a nap n eat n Orange lol. Me n hubby have had sex all the time this month n I have 4 month old daughter. I baught 2 dollar store tests yesterday n took one, but it cane back bfn... it sucks, I want another Lo !


  • Oh and I've had cramps froum Hell! N a few spots of random blood a few days ago.
  • Try retesting on the first
  • Yah I was gunna wate n see if af comes I gess. But I've Ben super bloated too. I gess I'm jw if the tests work as well as others.
  • Yes they do :) i test 6 days before bfn test day of an two lines now i am 6 weeks 2 days =D
  • My first dollar store test was negative I waited one more day faint positive those are not intended for early testing but r pretty accurate after u miss
  • Dollar store tests are what most doctors use
  • I used them for both pregnancies and the ones I used were as sensitive for the detection levels as most brand names. Got both my positives with the cheap ones
  • Yep they work! I used them for all 4 of my babies :)
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  • Ok thank you all! I'll update after I test agen on the 2ed if af don't show
  • well only one or 2 more days till imma test agen an i dont feel like af is gunna come, cramping has slowed waaayyyy down and i feel rly good, but still feel like a bloated umpa loompa.. thanks for everyone that commented! i love haveing someone to tell. im not gunna tell my hubby that i think i am untill i get that bfp test. :)
  • I had a dark positive on a first responce but my dollar store test was ssssoooo faint! And i was already 5 days late! Try in a few days! Gl!
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