mirena and hair loss

edited January 2012 in Postpartum Health
I had my son on 9-10-11 and got mirena at 6 weeks pp. I love it! My only problem is my hair is falling out in chunks now, I can tell its so much thinner and finding little bald spots. Did or does anyone have this happening? Is there anything I can do or take to stop this? I really don't want to have to take it out.


  • edited January 2012
    Hey, I also have the mirena and I lost so much hair about 3 months PP and I continued to lose it for about 2 months, I too had bold spots, but this isn't from the mirena, it's just a coincidence. You loose hair after you have a baby. This is because when you're pregnant your hair hardly falls out like normal, instead it grows, so when your hormones adjust after baby, your hair falls out. To make up for all the hair that didn't fall out while pregnant. But don't worry my hair has stopped falling out and is growing back in now. My daughter is 7 months.
  • @Summergirl22 I'm opposite my hair falls out in chunks while I'm pregnant but once I have my baby it stops. It's been the same way all 3 of my pregnancies. I was on the shot 6 months before I got pregnant and it made my hair fall out also. I've googled it and there's a ton of things that say it can make your hair fall out and I want it to stop lol. I hope I cab figure something out so I don't have to take it out!
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