pyloric stenosis?...

edited January 2012 in Babies Health
Apparently my 4 week old has this which is why he is throwing up and spitting up nonstop. Got transferred from the hospital we were at to the childrens hospital and will be having surgery sometime today. I am so sleep deprived and a nervous wreck.


  • edited January 2012
    Im sorry to hear that. My nephew had that problem when he was 3months they did surgery on him too. It did him well. He's now 5yrs old and eats like a lil pig lol. Your lil man will be ok. I'll keep him in my prayers :)
  • @LolasBabyNum1 @2ndbutfirst thank you! He got out of surgery at 4. He had a 15ml bottle of pedialyte at 630 but threw it all up at 9 so hopefully he starts keeping it down.
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