Weight Lost

edited January 2012 in Postpartum Health
How many of you ladies have lost your pregnancy weight? I lost all my weight and 3 extra pounds before my Lo turned two weeks now at three weeks pp I am 6 lbs less than b4 I was preggers. I am not bragging bc I am afraid with continuously breastfeeding I am going be a stick. My butt is GONE (im a black girl so this is a bad thing) and my appetite is too. I read if I lose more than 1.5 lbs a week I can release toxins into my body thus in my milk. How can I get my appetite/weight (and butt ) back?


  • edited January 2012
    I'm still not down to my prepregnancy weight and I'm not bf, but when I noticed that my butt had deflated I cried. Lol My jeans just don't look the same on me anymore. I lost 30lbs by 2 weeks pp but I stopped losing after that and my ob said that the first 2 weeks is when you lose the most weight and anything after that would be harder to lose. Maybe you'll stop losing now, you can also try drinking ensure. I've been doing lunges & squats and its slllooowwwlllyyy coming back. My coworker emailed me this article I wish I would've read it while I was preggo.

    We are victims of the flat butt syndrome:(
  • Im back to my pre prego weight but i still don't look right because my tum needs to be toned! Im not bf'ing.
  • I lost all but 3 pounds of baby weight, but now it seems like i'm STUCK and not losing anymore. I'm still bf, so I don't know what to do :(
  • I didn't gain any weight while pregnant actually lost 4 pounds & I honestly don't know how because I ate all the time. But now ill be 6 weeks pp on Saturday & I have lost 39 total pounds (: breastfeeding and I haven't worked out. Just can't ever find time to eat.
  • @mrs_jones I never eat either and I honestly don't have an appetite. I didn't lose during my pregnancy but the weight I did gain my doctor was saying wasn't enough and my baby would be 5 maybe 6lbs and she was 7lbs. Each lady is different and darn 39 lbs? That's a lot of lost. I want to lose no more than 3 more lbs.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm excited about it but I need to loose it anyways. & my daughter was 7lbs 11oz
  • @ceegsmommy75 i was always told with every kid you usually get a courtsey 4 lbs. with my first i was 94 pre preg then after i was 98. with the sec i was 106 ish and now im 110. idk thats how it is with me. fortuantly i gained a butt and i think its here to stay. im 4m pp and all i want a a flatter tummy!!
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