Due in Nov

edited February 2011 in November 2011
Found out we are pregos after trying
for years and ivf.


  • Congrats hunni :) xxxxxxxxx
  • Nov 3, but since I did ivf, I go on mar 14 for ultrasound to see if I am pregs with 1 or 2.
  • Congrats msm322; I just found out a week ago i'm pregoos, number 3 for my husbend and I. I'm due Nov 5th can't wait to feel some lil kicks!
  • Thanks, same to you. I'm very exited and scared but keep praying that all will be good.
  • I am due nov 4. This is my first and i am full of emotions. My boobs feel like they've grown overnight. Went from a 36b to a 38c. Have gained weight and my pants are already getting tight. My obgyn says i am fine. 4 weeks 4 days and i feel much farther.
  • Due nov 14th and im excited :-)
  • hoping to be due in Nov! had my mc 2/22 TTC! Praying I get preg! I already have a 3yr old hoping for baby #2
  • Congratulations on the baby
  • Just found out I'm due Nov.7
  • I'm at the start of getting up in the middle of the night to pee several times. Also, finding that if I don't eat when I'm hungry I get nausea.
  • We found out on the 20th that we are preg w #4! There will be a 7 yr age difference between this one and our youngest. We are so excited to add to our family! I am nervous because I had a thyroidectomy in 2005 and freaking out that something will go wrong. But we are trying to put our trust in God and just enjoy this time!
  • I'm due with our third November 10th. :) I'm nervous as we had a miscarriage at ten weeks in September and it was awful. Really praying God blesses us with a healthy baby this time. :) I have an ultrasound in two weeks, I will be just over six weeks then.
  • congrats! how exciting it must be after trying so hard.
  • I'm due 11-1-11 and I'm so excited pregnant with my first baby
  • Im due 11~1~11 with my fourth soooo excited;)
  • it has truly been a blessing. Once in awhile my husband and look at each other and smile. We are exited for our ultrasound. I am praying for twins and I think so is he but either way its a blessing.
  • @msm322 my edd is nov 10 th and im preggy with my 5 th :-)
  • Due Nov 3rd. We are really excited, especially since we were ttc for 6 months
  • You know what would be weird having a baby on 11/11/2011:-0
  • I'm due my second on Nov 10th, a day before my son's birthday on 11/11/11. Very excited after a gap of 8 years. Congrats to all you ladies!
  • I am due nov 4 with my 4th child and I had my first ultrasound today and got to see the heart beating at 85 which is great for how early I am.
  • @kailasmomma can I ask why you got an early ultrasound? This is also my fourth due nov2. I have my first appt the 21st and am so nervous. I had my thyroid removed in 2005 and take thyroid replacement pills and it has me super scared. Plus I am experiencing morning sickness off and on all day which I never had with my other three kiddos. our kids are 11,9,&7 so I am also older this time(30)
  • Found out we were pregnant after 4 miscarriages...this is our second attempt at iui...due november 7...ultasound on Monday to check for multiples....having trouble being patient and believing that it's true...praying a lot!
  • Good luck mommaduck!!!
  • edited March 2011
    I just found out I am due with my first on Nov 3. Excited and scared to be a new mom at 39!
  • Due with our first November 10th..we are so excited as we have been married 9yrs and had officialy been trying 4yrs..seems so surreal..cant wipe the silly grin off my face : )
  • I am due November 8th so five weeks today. First baby and terrified the little fella will be ok as have a bladder infection and we are so excited about having our baby so have everything crossed! Roll no November.
  • edited March 2011
    I jus found out and im 4wks & 4days and due date is........11/11/11. My first
  • I just found out im preg! 4 weeks and 6 days. I've had two MC. Please pray for me.
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