I had my son dec 23 & we are going to start trying again in june I cant wait which is weird bc I totally thought I was going to want to wait over a year for another:) wondering if anyone else is in the same boat maybe we can share stories
my daughter was born September 12 2011 and im pregnant again. it was soooo not planned my babies will me 11 month's apart my daughter is 4 and a half months and im 12 weeks pregnant now which is like 3 months.. it happened fast I think its going to b cute though them growing up together close in age.. im so excited. you should really think about it
Thanks we have talked about it ALOT! We originally discussed trying when our son turns a year to a year and a half bc we want them close but after we had him we found out when I switch insurance companies next june the deductibles change alot and we wait to have the next baby on the new insurance it will be $5000 more than our first so we decided we will start trying in june so we can try 3 months to have a due date before june next year. If it happens we will be happy if not we will wait like we originally planned. But just thinking about having them that close together gets me excited! Congrats on your babies @jen91811
My sister had her third baby 3 days before me and she has 3 under 3 . Her oldest turns 3 next month and just got out of diapers 2 weeks ago so she had 3 in diapers for 4weeks lol. See im the opposite of you I dont want to get all the way done and start all over id rather have them close so diapers are done sooner
I had my daughter last may and im due again this may! Lol not planned so soon. We were going to ttc in DEC/JAN 2012 timeframe but oh well.im excited though to see how we do with 2 under 2
I had my son 8/25/11 I'm 13 weeks pregnant it is kind of hard because ur tired alot and still have to b attentive to your first child. My doctors put me on don't lift over 10 pounds and my son weighs 20 I feel bad at times because I put alot of weight on this pregnancy but I'm so happy so it makes it all okay
i had my daughter Nov 6 and we are planning ttc for this coming summer so hopefully if we do get pregnant the gap will only be about 16 months. i already have a 9 year old son and hubby has a 15 year old girl so i think the next one will be our last. :-(
My daughter was born August 12, 2011 and so she'll be 6 months in a few days. I'm 14 weeks pregnant tomorrow. :-D They'll be 1 year apart. This one is due August 6
Lol @waitingformybaby we have had a couple scares already so I started birth control that I'm taking until may and then we will start ttc if my husband said it WA ok I would ttc next month lol Thanks for sharing everyone!
I really want a may baby too but I really dont think ill end up waiting that long im guessing ill get pregnant the first month we try which will be june which would give me a feb / march baby
Mommies that are due in the same month a year later did your dr. seemed concerned? Does it raise the risk of complications? We are thinking about trying next month and that would give both babies a december birth month and the only really holding me back is worrying that something will happen. My last pregnancy was awesome no ms no high blood pressure it was pretty much perfect I delivered naturally no tearing and I feel like my old self again and really want to start trying next month any advice welcome
Concerned? No. Shocked to see us back so soon? Yes! Lol. I would talk to your doctor about any concerns that you might have about it, tho. I don't think my doctor said to much because it was an accident but probably would have advised against trying again so soon on purpose.
Lol yea I have to go for a pap at the beginning of march so ill ask then. Im just nervous lol I want to try next month but not if like a risk of miscarriage goes up or something
Lol can you haha I just want to know if there are any major risks I google it but a bunch of crap comes up and id rather hear it from a dr. @lucyloo288
Im sure its fine @jazzie im just a nervous nelly with my first I would seriously get so scared that I was going to die during labor lol I know im a freak!
I didn't ask my Dr that exact question but she mentioned me getting on bc after my lo is born. and I asked why and she said that our bodies take from a year to two years to fully heal from a pregnancy, and if you don't heal completely then it could cause more damage if you should try for a 3rd. That's just your body though, not to mention the risk for the baby of austism and other risk. Idk them personally or all of them since I cut her off lol I wasnt thinking of a 2nd baby when I was still trying to process i'm pregnant with this one haha
Up to 2 years! Thats long did you have a csection? At my six week pp appointment I told my dr. we were going to try in june when my lo is 6 months and he said that was fine. But he asked if I wanted birth control for the months before june
I havent had my lo yet, it was just brought up with the bc question lol Many woman do it on accident and survive and have low complications. But if you had a high risk pregnancy then I'd wait. Other than that, no one can make up their mind for you. plus some women want to knock out there kids one right after the other so they're still young. Idk your situation but if your man and Dr are fine with it then go for it
Yea my pregnancy was perfect zero complications and the worst symptom I had was heartburn. Thats what my sister said people have been doing it for years and surviving lol thanks for you comments @victoriarenee
I had my baby girl on dec 12th 2011 and we just wanted it all to happen on its own it was amazing. And now we are the same way since we want one more just let it happen on its own . I say were not taking to stop it at all. I loved being pregnant and my labor went great so if I do get pregnant I hope it goes just as well.
Thanks for sharing everyone!
Im sure its fine @jazzie im just a nervous nelly with my first I would seriously get so scared that I was going to die during labor lol I know im a freak!
Many woman do it on accident and survive and have low complications. But if you had a high risk pregnancy then I'd wait. Other than that, no one can make up their mind for you. plus some women want to knock out there kids one right after the other so they're still young. Idk your situation but if your man and Dr are fine with it then go for it