Question about Fenugreek?
Hello all! Its been a while since Ive been on Pregly. Gabriel and I are doing good, managing his acid reflux with Prilosec and he is 7 weeks old today! Anyway, so I am breastfeeding, well..pumping for now untill I get my milk up again..and I was wondering if any other breastfeeding mama's tried or are trying Fenugreek to help your milk? I started it about 2 days ago as a desperate attempt to keep my milk after not pumping for about a week because we have a latch issue and I just wasnt producing enough. Also, my left breast always had more milk than my right and when I would pump, my right side barely had anything come out. Maybe a half ounce, sometimes not even that. So, does anyone have any comments, advice or just an experience to share with me in this? Id really appreciate it! Thanks! I am a FTM by the way
Oh and I did ask the consultant which was better she says it would be better if I could find more milk plus.