I had a couple dreams like that already..lol but this one was crazy and really weird. I was sleeping in my bed and a old lady came knocking on my window and woke me up and told me to put socks on my son (which I'm prego with a boy now) and I didn't listen and she ended up being possessed and was trying to take him from me. My whole house started shaking. Then I woke up. Ugh. Then last night I had a dream a dog attacked me outside my front door and ate my son out of my stomach. I woke up crying. Like seriously. I'm scared to sleep now. Lol my hubby just laughs at me but geeeezzzz they are scary and seem Soooo real.
Ur dreams r scary... I would b waking up crying. I would also dream about me losing my Baby like i would b watching her & all of a sudden shes gone n im searching for her.
Ugh. I hate it. I don't even wanna sleep. I'm scared & everyone just laughs at me or probably thinks I'm crazy...lol my mom says its normal but with my girls, I never had scary dreams like this. I would have kinda weird ones but they would be funny weird NOT scary weird. The ones of hubby cheating aren't seeming to bad right about now..lol