My lo has rsv ;(

edited February 2012 in Parenting
My son developed this cough a couple days ago and then follows wheezing. I was worried about the wheezing so I took him to the doc. They ran some rest on him and he was diagnosed with rsv...

What I wanna know is exactly what it is and how long does it take to clear up.

They gave me a nebulizer to give him breathing treatments and antibiotic


  • My daughter has it as well. She's almost 4 months old. We did steroids for 7 days now doing antibiotics for her cough. We are on day 7 and she's just now starting to make progress to get better. Beware day 5 is the worst!!
  • My lo has it plus an ear infection. Poor lil babe!! Dr said it is a virus so no meds will help. She just sounds horrible! At least we got antibiotics for her ear.
  • My BabyGirl had rsv at 3 months she had to be hospitalized at children's for 3 days use a cool mist humidifier saline drops in the nose and Alot of nose suctioning I bought a battery operated nose pump by graco at walgreens it works much better than the regular one rsv last about 2 weeks but day 5 is the worst wheezing and congestion will be at its worst if your baby chest moves up and down really fast and has difficulty breathing go to the hospital it is very scary but it will get better I hope your Lo feels better soon take care
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