low blood platelets and gestational diabeties

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
My fiance is has both. Her blood platelets are super low. She has take steriods to make them come up but they aren't working. The diabetes doctor thinks that the steriods are causing the high blood sugar. Does anyone else have these problems? will it cause health problems later down the road? Will my baby be ok? Just curious and a little worried. She's also at 32 weeks and the platelet count is in the 30k.


  • I had GD .. There can be a few complications from that, but mostly they clear up while your still in the hospital and they're not too serious.
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  • I had platelets of 60k my first pregnancy and after I was pregnant they came right back up and I had no problems with my second. The things it affected were that I wasn't allowed an epidural because bleeding in the spine could cause paralysis and when I finally had an emergency c section it was under general anesthesia. My platelets were low from preeclampsia
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