
edited February 2012 in Babies Health
I think i may be suffering from depression.....i just recently moved to a differrnt state, got married and my son is 7 months. I love them both very much but i just cant b happy. My husband is military so he works alot and then when he gets home hes so tired that he falls asleep. Im a stay at home mom right now and my son is so full of energy, heall over the place, but hes very attached to me and i cant get much things done. All my family and friends are 1000 miles away and its a 4 hr differnces so calling is always off, i havent met ppl here yet and im not good at making friends. I feel so alone and it gets even harder at night......i just dont kno what to do. I dont believe medicine will help because its a mental state but i have noone to talk too, and its just hurts. Ive suffer from aniexity in high school and ended up in a hospital but they told me to just release it so i did, but idk how to when im alone, honestly idk whats wrong.........i feel like im all wrong


  • Try and get out to walk during the day.. I understand what your going through. Maybe you should go ahead and start looking for a job
  • I was feeling like that too. I would wake up wanting to get something done outside of the house and it was like I couldn't get my mind couldn't get my body to move! You have to start off by doing one thing a day. For example, as silly as this sounds, I took out the trash one day, and went for a little walk the next day. BABY STEPS! Now I'm more active and feeling
  • @YNVTish i live in alaska and its cold most of the time but i have been walking lately, and i went out to look for a job today and myson cried the whole way! I just cant look for one with him :( i start school in april thou but its online
  • @monkey_girl baby steps...ok just have to find something. I just have no motivation..
  • I'm missing some words in there! Sorry I'm so tired.
  • @monkey_girl lol i understood thanks
  • @jay_july1 ... That's awesome! Im getting my masters right now online! It gives me something else to focus on. You'll love it, its perfect for stay at home moms.

    What are you majoring in?
  • @YNVTish early childhood/toddler education i love knowing i can make a difference in someones life! Makes me feel good, seeing my son accomplish things makes me smile/sad cus hes growing so fast
  • You're welcome! Take it day by day. I'm better but still not 100%. I too do not believe in medicine to lift my spirits, so I can't bring myself to see a doctor. I'm here if you need to talk. :)
  • @monkey_girl thanks its hard cus everyone is in a different time zone so when i want to talk and its 8 here its like 12 midnight back home
  • That can be tough. Have you tried looking for mommy and baby classes or baby boot camp? I'm starting a baby boot camp (workout) next month! It's a great way to get out, workout with baby, and meet other moms.
  • @monkey_girl yeah i kno... hmmm ive never heard of them, ima look it up
  • =( Andrea! I'm the same way right now! We need to hang out! Grrr, I am beyond frustrated! We can't afford snow tires for my car so I'm stuck in my house and I'm going crazy! I love Damien to death but he cries so much I find myself just crying myself and just want to put him in a separate room to get away from his screaming! It sucks cuz we are in the exact same boat in the exact same city and we can't even get to each other! :'( feel free to text or call me whenever! 949-939-5168 I mean it! :P
  • @smcox we got the car!!!! I would love to come visit!!!!! Im always home all day but ima text yu tomorrow amd see whats good!!
  • Perfect! Just remind me that it's you in the text! My fil texts me and I never programmed him in my phone cuz I don't like him LOL don't know if you have a 907 number or not. I'm excited!
  • I would go on base and try to see if there's like a military spouse club. Sometimes they are cliquish but you might find something. Also go on there are a lot of mother groups you can join to hang out and get to know
  • @armywife19 this is Andrea :) Andrea, this is Anna. She is currently living in Ohio cuz her hubby is in Afghanistan but usually lives in Anchorage and will be coming back up here in April I think. So now there is gonna be at least three of us up here :-) hopefully it won't be so lonely soon! Anna you can feel free to text me too, phone number is up there ^^^
  • I would suggest maybe going to the Y or another gym to keep your self motivated and positive, you can put baby in the daycare there, a lot of them are free, and that will give you some "me" time. They also have a lot of mommy and baby classes there, like stretching, swimming, and tumbling. Also, they have many military spouse programs. See if maybe hubby can invite one of his coworkers who are married and have little kids over for dinner. Ask him if he has any friends who have wives that he can introduce you to.
  • @kayleigh27 yeah i found it last night, it seems cool thanks.
    @my2boys my son will cry,im not lookiny forward to that first day of daycare, he cries when he doesnt see me and i dont how he got like that, he cant even take hes nap, no matter how tired he is, without crying his eyes out once i leave the room. But im trying to get him off that, but honestly idk how.
  • Maybe he is just going through separation anxiety, it is very common for babies, it will soon pass.
  • @my2boys good lol cus i feel helpless sometimes
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