my husband questions everything I do..

edited February 2012 in Parenting
Every decision I make concerning my daughter, he questions. I don't talk anything over with him because he's never home to help take care of her, so I don't feel like these decisions should be up to him (I'm talking about little decisions like giving her juice with her supper, or how to put her to bed, nothing too serious). Should I have to talk these things over with him, or would you be annoyed too?


  • Ugh I would be annoyed but at least you know he cares.
  • Absolutely not! Big decisions, like changing doctors or things of that magnitude, I get...but little things like that?! I would br annoyed as well! [-(
  • Maybe he is feeling a little left out of the parenting stuf...I agree it would be kinda annoying to constantly be questioned...but maybe you should just sit down with him and just have a convo with him about how you feel.
  • Thanks, ladies.. I knew I wasn't being crazy! @2ndbutfirst good one!
  • I would be slightly annoyed too, but look at it from where he is coming from. Maybe he is just asking because he wants to know what is going on with her too, maybe he is a worried first time dad too. Maybe he means nothing by it and is just curious about the progress she is making. Why dont you ask him why he is always questioning you, that way you guys dont let it blow up into a big fight, when it might not being anything serious to begin with, he might not know that it bothers you.
  • He has his job in the day time... He should let you do yours. Any major decisions he should take part in... Like picking doctors, deciding on surgery, or changing schools.

    Sounds like he has a bit of a control problem. LOL
  • @ashley_smashley & @my2boys when he first started doing it, I asked him why he was questioning me and he said he didn't think she was ready for that stuff yet. I told him I had researched it, and by all accounts she was ready. He's not coming off as worried or feeling left out, he's coming off as he knows better than me.
  • O well in that case then I would tell him to shut up lol.
  • @YNVTISH we've been working on his control problem for a while now. usually it doesdm't bother me too much because I know that's just how he is, but when it comes to this, you hit the nail on the head.. he should back off and let me do my job!
  • Oh if thats how he wants to act then just ignore him. :( it sucks that he is trying to control your baby's life. I though he was worried. You should either have a serious talk with him or ignore him. Is not like if you tell him what he should do or not do on his job.
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